The Historical Mission: developing the historical heritage of Societe Generale
Established in 2005, the Historical Mission brings together former staff members and historians to pursue the common goal of continuing and enhancing the Group’s rich historical heritage.

Staff members and historians
Under the leadership of Laurent Goutard − Head of International Retail Banking for Africa, the Mediterranean Basin & Overseas, the Historical Mission is divided into two entities:
- the History Committee, which brings together active and retired Group staff members;
- the Scientific Committee, composed of academic professionals (university professionals, research directors, research institutes, etc.)
The Historical Mission supports scientific research by offering research grants to students and young researchers following a university course in history or other disciplines. It also supports the organisation of scientific symposia.
The latest works supported by the Historical Mission
- Le rugby et Société Générale de 1903 à nos jours by Duncan Pestel, first year master’s degree under the supervision of Paul Dietschy, professor of contemporary history at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon (ongoing).
- Choisir l’économie : coordonner la distribution sélective du crédit dans la France d’après-guerre (1945-1973) by Antoine Jourdan, PhD student in the Historical Research Centre (CRH), at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), under the supervision of Laure Quennouëlle-Corre (CRH/CNRS) and co-supervision of Éric Monnet (PSE).
- Les ingénieurs français et le développement économique de la Chine (1841-1937) by Wen Wen, doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dominique Barjot, emeritus professor of contemporary history at Paris-Sorbonne University.
- La "Défense passive" et les bombardements. L’exemple des banques des années 1935-1945 by Thomas Vion, first year master’s degree under the supervision of Paul Dietschy, professor of contemporary history at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon.
- Jean Prouvé (1901-1984) : maisons démontables et maisons usinées. Expérimentation, exposition et réception by Marjorie Occeli, doctoral thesis under the supervision of Jean-Baptiste Minnaert, professor of contemporary art history at Paris-Sorbonne University.
- La Compagnie française des Tramways, de l'éclairage électrique et des eaux de Shangaï : de la construction à l'exploitation, performances, stratégies, structures (1906-1937) by Yun Zhai, doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dominique Barjot, emeritus professor of contemporary history at Paris-Sorbonne University.
- Les emprunts Thiers (1871-1873) : les raisons d’un succès by Benjamin Constanty, second year master’s degree under the supervision of Laure Quennouelle-Corre, professor of economic and financial history at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS).
- Les femmes de Byrrh (1914-1960) by Rachel FUSTER, second year master’s degree under the supervision of Nicolas Marty, professor of economic and social history at Perpignan Via Domitia University (UPVD).
- La Sogenal et les mutations industrielles de l’Alsace au second XXe siècle by Thomas Grandjean, second year master’s degree under the supervision of Régis Boulat, lecturer in economic and social history at the University of Upper Alsace, Mulhouse.
- La Banque de Strasbourg : une banque alsacienne (1871-1945) by Ulysse Ladevie, first year master’s degree under the supervision of Jean-Luc Mastin, lecturer in contemporary history at Paris 8 University (Vincennes – Saint-Denis).
- La création et le développement de la succursale barcelonaise de Société Générale de 1910 à la fin des années 1930 : acteurs et institutions by Dylan Planque, second year master’s degree under the supervision of Nicolas Marty, professor of economic and social history at Perpignan Via Domitia University (UPVD).
- La Société Générale en Espagne pendant le « miracle économique » (1959-1973) by Aloys Nollet, first year master’s degree under the supervision of Quentin Ravelli at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS).
Research grants
Every year, the Historical Mission and its scientific committee award research grants to selected candidates upon presentation of a research project. Subjects that relate exclusively to the history of Societe Generale from 1864 to the present day are preferred. However, wider or comparative studies incorporating the Group’s history are also considered.
Are you enrolled in a Master 1, Master 2, PhD, in France or abroad? Is your research project related to our research topics?
Request a research grant from the Societe Generale Historical Mission
Scientific symposia
Through the efforts of the Historical Mission, Societe Generale regularly takes part in organising conferences throughout France. For example, a study day in 2011 entitled "Banking architecture: between beauty and practicality" was organised in Paris by the Histara research team (EA 4115, art history, history of representation and archaeology in Europe) from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE). The same year, a symposium entitled "Banks and corporate mutations" was organised at the Archives nationales du monde du travail in Roubaix, France.