How to contact Societe Generale
Looking for specific information about Societe Generale group or one of our subsidiaries? Our teams are available to reply to your questions.
You have a question about...
If you are an individual SG customer and wish to contact us, call freephone number 3933 (from France) or go to the Individual Customers website's contact page.
If you are a professional SG client and wish to contact us, go to the Professionals website's contact page.
If you are an SG client association and wish to contact us, go to the Associations website's contact page.
If you are an SG corporate client and wish to contact us, go to the Corporates website's contact page.
If you are a client of one of the Societe Generale group's entities and wish to contact us, go to the Group Businesses page.
If you are a Societe Generale registered shareholder, or if you are a registered shareholder of a listed group whose register is managed by Societe Generale Securities Services, you can contact us:
- via internet:
- by telephone: +33 (0)2 51 85 67 89, Monday through Friday from 9.30 am to 6 pm Paris time (non-premium number, cost depends on your operator and country);
- by post:
Societe Generale
Services aux Émetteurs
32, rue du Champ-de-Tir
BP 81 236
44312 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE
If you are a Societe Generale employee shareholder, or if your company's employee shareholding scheme is managed by Esalia, you can contact us:
- via internet:;
- by telephone: +33 (0)9 69 32 15 21, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm Paris time (except bank holidays, non-premium call, cost depends on your operator and country).
If you are a Societe Generale individual shareholder and wish to contact us, go to the Individual Shareholders page.
If you wish to apply for a job offer, go to our SG Careers recruitment site.
If you require a certificate of employment / payslip / individual training entitlement certificate, you can email us at
Purchasers, in collaboration with the representatives of Societe Generale business lines, establish a list of suppliers for each tender. Societe Generale is open to innovative proposals. If you wish to make your offers known, contact us at: (only emails concerning requests or proposals from our suppliers will be processed at this address).
If you are a supplier and wish to collaborate with Societe Generale, there are two simple alternatives available for sending us your e-invoices:
- use the "Tradeshift" platform (no download required);
- send your invoices to PDF Factures via the following email address:
NB: if you already use one of these two solutions, please transmit all your invoices to us via your usual digital channel.
If you wish to contact us for any issues relating to the processing and payment of your invoices, you can log in at To get you authorised, please send your request to the following address or contact us on +33 (0)1 42 14 50 50.
If you are a journalist and wish to contact us, go to the Press Contacts page.
The Societe Generale corporate Foundation supports projects in the field of education, professional integration and classical music so that everyone can find their place and flourish in their personal and professional lives. For more information, go to The Corporate Societe Generale Foundation website.
Societe Generale has been fully committed to art patronage for over 30 years. Its contemporary art Collection (photographs, paintings, sculptures, lithographs, etc.) materialises the Group's support for artistic creation in France and abroad. The expansion of the Collection has gone hand in hand with a desire to share it with as many people as possible, and notably younger people. Guided tours, educational workshops, artistic projects and growing visibility on social media have helped us sustain this commitment. If you have any requests, please contact:
Societe Generale's Historical Archives department offers researchers an extensive and diverse collection of written, iconographic and audiovisual archives. This historical heritage concerns both the history of the Group itself and that of the various sectors of the economy, both in France and abroad. It's a vast field of research on the economy, finance, architecture, social history, etc. that is open to historians, academics and other researchers. You can contact us at:
SOCIETE GENERALE INVESTOR RELATIONS Head of Financial Communication & Investor Relations Equity Investor Relations Officers Ratings and Debt Investor Relations Officers Head of Sustainability Investor Relations Officer Individual Shareholder Relations Officer Corporate Access
Document requestTo receive hard copy of the documents related to quarterly financial releases (Universal Registration Document, Press Release, Analysts presentation), please send your request to |