Corporate & Social Responsability

Objective surpassed! Over 40,000 employees trained with the Climate Fresk

Published on 04/07/2024
Objective surpassed! Over 40,000 employees trained with the Climate Fresk

Ahead of schedule, Societe Generale has now trained 30 per cent of its staff in the Climate Fresk, reaching a major milestone. 

Hacina Py, Group Chief Sustainability Officer

On 19 and 20 June, the worldwide "48 hours of the Climate Fresk" event raised awareness on the major challenge of climate change. This challenge, launched within several companies, was an opportunity for Societe Generale to train nearly a thousand new employees.  

A responsible bank, supporting its clients in their transition

As a responsible employer, Societe Generale is deploying an ambitious training plan aimed at developing a common culture and specific expertise. This training plan is designed to develop the expertise of our employees, so that they can better support the Group's clients in their own transition. The Climate Fresk is an integral part of this plan, and the objective of raising awareness among 30% of employees has now been exceeded! 

750 facilitators at the service of the transition  

Barely 18 months after this workshop was deployed, more than 40,000 employees have already taken part. This success was made possible by the mobilisation of 750 in-house Climate Fresk facilitators. These training initiatives are part of a wider sustainable transformation programme within the Group, which enabled the bank to win the prestigious IFR 'Best Bank for Sustainability' award. To meet today's challenges, Societe Generale is mobilising all its business lines in a transformation trajectory aimed at promoting an ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) culture at all levels of the organisation.  

What are the next steps?  

Societe Generale Group is continuing to roll out its training plan and the Climate Fresk, and is offering employees the opportunity to take part in the Atelier 2 tonnes, which enables them to discover the individual and collective levers of the low-carbon transition. Finally, in partnership with the Axa Climate School, Societe Generale regularly integrates new modules into its training offer to continue to raise its employees' awareness of environmental issues (preservation of biodiversity, water-related issues, circular economy, etc.).