Societe Generale is 160 years old!
Our history through time

Societe Generale founded by a group of industrialists and financiers to “promote the development of trade and industry”
First international branch opened in London

Eiffel Tower inaugurated on 31 March 1889, with innovative co-financing of the project arranged by Societe Generale
Introduction of the General Inspection competitive exam
Creation of the Societe Generale athletic club (Club athlétique de Société Générale, CASG), with many champions emerging from its ranks
“La Solidarité”, a philanthropic and solidarity-based association established to promote professional inclusion initiatives for the underprivileged
Calif (Crédit à l’industrie française) founded together with leading French industrial groups to support business development of French companies and promote the exports

Presence established in the United States (New York) and several other international branches opened
Nationalisation of Societe Generale. The Bank played an active role in financing post-war reconstruction and contributed to the development of France during the “Thirty Glorious Years”

Sogebail’s credit products introduced (a first in France)
First bank to offer its customers online services with the introduction of Logitel

Privatisation of Societe Generale, leading to the expansion of its Universal Banking model and contribution to globalisation of the economy
Societe Generale becomes the sponsor of the French Rugby Federation (Fédération française de rugby, FFR)
Creation of Fimatex, which later became Boursorama
Acquisition of Credit du Nord group
Acquisition of KB in the Czech Republic. Further expansion of International Retail Banking.
Societe Generale proves its resilience during the financial crisis and an ability to transform itself
Ahead of the Paris Agreement, Societe Generale has adopted a global policy in favour of the climate. Among the banks that launched the Positive Impact Finance Initiative, the Group issued the first Positive Impact bond

Creation of SG, a new retail bank in France, through the merger of Societe Generale and Crédit du Nord networks

Development of BoursoBank, France’s leading online bank

Inclusion of LeasePlan’s activities into Ayvens, a global leader in mobility

Preparation of the launch of the joint venture with AllianceBernstein to create a leader in research and cash equities
Partnership announced with Brookfield to set up a €10 billion private debt fund
It was 4 May 1864... at the height of the Industrial Revolution, Napoleon III signed the decree creating Societe Generale with the mission of "promoting the development of trade and industry". From generation to generation, we have maintained and constantly renewed this original raison d'être, serving our customers and society as a whole.
Who would have imagined 160 years ago that the ambition of our founders, a group of industrialists and financiers driven by the ideals of progress, would bring us together in 2024, driven by the same entrepreneurial spirit, to serve more than 25 million customers in 65 countries?
For 160 years, we have been making our clients' ideas grow
Shaped by generations of employees and customers, our Group has always supported economic development: yesterday by accompanying the industrial revolution, today and tomorrow by resolutely addressing the challenges of our time for sustainable development and responsible transition.
The strength of this legacy, inherited from previous generations, enables Societe Generale to face the future with audacity, determination and confidence.

160 years of daring and progress
1864: at the service of the development of trade and industry in France.
Today: recognized as Best Bank for sustainability by the IFR Award 2023.
1870: 1st Societe Generale branch in France.
Today: over 1,400 branches at the heart of local regions in France.
1871: first steps internationally - London.
Today: present in more than 60 countries.
1880: co-financing of the Telephone Company in France.
Today: +200 million euros for French Tech.
1886: inventors of the concessive model (Eiffel Tower).
Today: pioneers in the private debt sector (partnership with Brookfield).
1894: 1st safe deposit boxes for storing securities.
Today: experts in crypto assets (Forge).
1895: 1st financing of automotive industry.
Today: leader in sustainable mobility (Ayvens).
1900: major financiers of railways.
Today: committed to the decarbonization of steel (H2 Green Steel).
1903: creation of the Societe Generale Athletic Club.
Today: committed to Rugby, Parasport and eSport.
1905: 1st Societe Generale scholarship holder.
Today: a global philanthropy program for education, culture, and the environment.
1948: supporting European economic recovery (Marshall Plan).
Today: committed to sustainable finance in emerging countries (partnership with IFC, International Finance Corporation).
1956: Lucienne, 1st woman to be a branch manager in France.
Today: 100 million euros for compensation equity.
1964: founders of the 1st SICAV in France.
Today: world leader in cash equities and research (Bernstein).
1985: first online services via Logitel.
Today: ranked No.1 banking application in France.
1995: major player in online brokerage with Fimatex.
Today: leader in online banking in France.
From generation to generation, committed to progress.
We are Societe Generale
Supporting the challenges of every epoch – from the industrial revolution to the environmental transition. Contributing to the development of economies and territories. Financing major public works, infrastructure, industry and sustainable energy. Inventing new financing models and reinventing the banking profession. Supporting culture and sport and tackling inequalities... Generation after generation, with a commitment and a passion for our business, we are writing the pages of our collective history, together and with our clients.

We are Societe Generale
We are Societe Generale.
We are a century and half of history, values, ambitions.
We are more than a hundred thousand, from all cultures, all ages, and nations.
We are France, we are Europe, we are the world.
We are the ones who carried progress forward.
From the industrial revolution to world trade evolution.
To the growth of cities, culture, health and humankind.
In our communities, our countries.
Moved by our passion for our work as bankers.
Help great ideas see the light of day and projects take form.
Support businesses, young generations, support families.
Finance those who want to build and move forward.
Be the essential cog, catalyze the most ambitious visions.
Be the ones who imagine solutions, who make things possible, take the decisions.
Be the ones who believe that small projects are first steps to reach the new frontier.
Listening deeply, understanding goals.
We are proud of our mission, we are proud of our story.
We are strong, and we are together.
For our clients, for their service, we combine our expertise.
We are an investment bank, a retail bank, a private bank, all of these.
We advise, we finance, we provide mobility, we insure.
We walk by the side of our 25 million clients on all the paths of life.
From generation to generation, sometimes through decades, to be sure.
We went all the way to the top; we experienced the thrill of success.
We went through multiple crises, we disappointed, we had issues to address.
Today we are back, and we are ready.
For the sake of tomorrow, we reinvent ourselves, we stand steady.
We build strong foundations, in a world which is challenged.
We want to be founders again, for the sake of a better future.
We push sustainable projects with a sense of duty to our planet.
We commit to financial inclusion, social equity, and responsible technology.
We want to support virtuous business models for the improvement of all.
We encourage our clients and partners to be more ambitious, not to think small.
Acutely aware of our responsibility, in all our spheres.
We walk through centuries, but keep our spirit as pioneers.
Be audacious, courageous, creative … make impactful contributions.
For the sake of long-term value creation, come up with new solutions.
Understand the world of tomorrow, the next generations.
Understand the defining challenges of the coming decades and of radical evolutions.
Do our part. Lead, dare, innovate and build.
Our head held high, our conscience, look with confidence into the future, with our vision fulfilled.