Group Chief Human Resources Officer
Anne-Sophie Chauveau-Galas is Group Chief Human Resources Officer and a member of the Group Executive Committee, having been appointed 24 May 2023.
Anne-Sophie Chauveau-Galas started her career in 1998 with Alcatel and then BSN (Danone) in the field of Human Resources. Since 2001, Anne- Sophie has held various operational HR positions before becoming Talent Management Director in 2005 for the Alstom Power sector. She joined the HR department of the Transport sector in 2009 and subsequently became Vice President HR Europe and Social Relations of the ALSTOM Group in 2015.
Anne-Sophie Chauveau-Galas was previously Chief Human Resources Officer and member of the ALSTOM Group Executive Committee from May 2019. She has accompanied the transformation of the company since 2019, notably with the merger and integration of Bombardier Transportation.
Anne-Sophie holds a Master’s degree in Management from EDHEC Business School.