
Discover the key dates of our Purchasing policy

1st bank to sign the SME Pact


The Charter of Responsible Supplier Relations

Including 10 requirements contributing to building a balanced and sustainable relationship between the major signatories and their suppliers. Following the signing, an internal mediator was appointed (i.e. the General Secretary of the Group) and a clause promoting the use of mediation was included in the contracts.


"Responsible Supplier Relations" label obtained by Societe Generale SA (France)

From "Médiation Inter-entreprises", "Médiation des Marchés Publics" and CDAF (Compagnie des Dirigeants et Acheteurs de France) This label certifies, further to an on-site audit of the Group's practices by an external auditor, that the organisation and managing actions give reasonable guarantee of compliance with the objectives and commitments defined in the requirements of the Label.


The Group is a founding member of the Charter of best practices for procurement of private security services (guarding, cash transportation, videosurveillance) created under the auspices of the Interior Ministry.

Signatory of the “La Belle Compétition” (The Fair Competition) charter for tendering processes with Communication agencies.


Considering the results of the annual follow-up evaluation, the Awarding Committee decided to renew the "Responsible Supplier Relations" label for Societe Generale for 3 years. To date, only 37 of the 1600 signatories of the Charter are certified with this label.


Societe Generale was awarded the Prompt Payment Prize in the 3rd edition of the “Prompt Payment Conference and Awards” by Emmanuel Macron, then Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Sector in June.


Societe Generale was awarded the Responsible Sourcing and Supplier Relations Label certification, aligned with the ISO 20400 "sustainable procurement" international standard.

This label awarded by the public authorities, is issued jointly by the Médiation des Entreprises (French business mediation office) and the Conseil National des Achats (French national procurement council) for a period of 3 years. Il testifies to the companies' commitment to establishing sustainable and balanced relationships with their suppliers.