Results at March 31st 2022

Published on 05/05/2022

Strong increase in revenues of +16.6% vs. Q1 21 (+16.1%*) with a solid performance by all the businesses particularly in Global Markets, Financial Services and Financing & Advisory

Cost to income ratio of 56.4%(1), excluding contribution to the Single Resolution Fund, with a positive jaws effect in all the businesses

Cost of risk at 39 basis points, around 31 basis points excluding the Russian assets currently being sold

2022 cost of risk expected between 30 and 35 basis points

Underlying Group net income of EUR 1.57 billion([1]) (EUR 0.84 billion on a reported basis), an increase of +21.3% vs. Q1 21

Underlying profitability (ROTE) of 11.9%(1) (6.0% on a reported basis)

CET 1 ratio of 12.9%([2]) at end-March 2022, around 370 basis points above the regulatory requirement

Residual net impact on capital at closing of around -6 basis points from the contemplated disposal of our activities in Russia(3)

Confirmation of the distribution policy for 2021

CET 1 ratio 200-250 basis points minimum above the regulatory requirement, including after entry into force of the regulation finalising the Basel III reform

Planned acquisition of LeasePlan by ALD: signing of the framework agreement

Partnership between Boursorama and ING: signing of the definitive agreement

Planned merger of the retail banking networks in France: new branding of French networks and conclusion of key agreements in terms of human resources

Sustainable finance: new target increased to EUR 300 billion for the period 2022-2025

Fréderic Oudéa, the Group’s Chief Executive Officer, commented
“This first quarter confirms the robustness and resilience of our business model, with a strong performance by all our businesses in a more uncertain environment, improved operating leverage and a contained cost of risk. The planned disposal, currently being finalised, of our activities in Russia, following the abrupt change in this country’s outlook, will enable the Group to withdraw in an effective and orderly manner, ensuring continuity for both its employees and its customers. With new milestones achieved this quarter, the Group is determinedly pursuing the implementation of its strategic initiatives and remains focused on its ambition of sustainable and profitable growth, combined with an attractive shareholder distribution.”

(1) Underlying data (see methodology note No. 5 for the transition from accounting data to underlying data)   
(2) Phased-in ratio (fully-loaded ratio of 12.8%)  
(3) After reversal of rating migrations for 14 basis points recorded in Q1 22 on the related Russian assets 

The footnote * corresponds to data adjusted for changes in Group Structure and at constant exchange rates