Societe Generale winner of the Responsible Business and Governance Awards 2019

Published on 12/11/2019

Societe Generale has been awarded the Integrated Thinking Prize - Europe category, capitalisation > €7bn in the Responsible Business and Governance Awards 2019. This award is recognition of the Group’s commitment to providing a holistic view of the company with a coherent overview of its economic, social, societal, financial, environmental, ethical and governmental areas.

Awarded by the Institute of Responsible Capitalism on 8 November 2019, the Responsible Business and Governance Awards 2019 were awarded after analysing the application of Integrated Thinking within the Group’s governance, business model, strategy and performance, as well as a review of the level of dialogue and co-construction with its stakeholders.

Integrated Thinking is an interpretation of the company taken as a “whole”, going beyond purely financial aspects. It is a reflection of the Pacte Law concerning regulatory evolutions of a company’s Corporate Social Responsability, the European directive on non-financial reporting or the integration of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals into a company’s strategy. Integrated Thinking invites companies to reconsider their role - going as far as the sense given to their actions – and to be coherent with their ecosystem and strategic trajectory.

“The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a bank goes beyond its own specific impact as it also carries all the indirect environmental and social risks of its clients and the sector it finances. Our responsibility remains at the core of our value creation model, in the way we undertake and develop our activities. We have taken the issue of coherence into consideration with CSR matters clearly integrated into our strategic plan Transform to Grow, in our governance, in our risk management as well as in our capacity for innovation. Our integrated approach is part of our progress towards realising our long-term vision: to be a trusted partner committed  to the positive transformations of the world, at the service of our customers, our staff and all our stakehoders,” explained Frédéric Oudéa, Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale.

Please find out more about the integrated approach of Societe Generale group in our Integrated Report


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Aurélia Cacciaguerra +33 1 56 37 84 62
Antoine Lhéritier +33 1 42 13 68 99