Societe Generale once again named Distinguished Provider by FImetrix

Published on 04/04/2019

FImetrix named Societe Generale “Distinguished Provider” for the seventh consecutive year, highlighting the quality of the Correspondent Banking services in euros offered by the Bank to its clients.

Distinguished Provider 2019

Since 2013, Societe Generale is the only French bank recognised as a “Distinguished Provider” by FImetrix, a firm specialising in market research and consulting for international financial services aimed at banks. This distinction, awarded after a vote of several hundred professionals in the sector, reflects the quality of service delivered by the Bank to financial institutions.

FImetrix once again confirms the quality of our services and offering in a business sector identified by the Bank as one of its main growth drivers.

Jean-François Mazure, Head of Cash Clearing at Societe Generale

We are proud of this award, which demonstrates the strength of synergies within the Group. By combining the quality of the offer with that of the customer relationship management, we are able to offer an ever more qualitative service.

Jose Enrique Concejo, Global Head of client coverage for Financial Institutions, Societe Generale

About FImetrix’s methodology
Each year, FImetrix carries out several studies in order to identify the global leaders in Transaction Banking services.
For its 2019 Distinguished Provider award, FImetrix surveyed senior executives from 551 banks in 84 countries around the world. The participants were asked to rate the quality of services provided by the major actors in the sector. Their responses were then used to map out their overall satisfaction with these services.

Press contact:
Murray PARKER +44 (0)207 676 6771