Release of the notice of the combined General Meeting of 19 May 2020

Published on 18/03/2020

The shareholders of Société Générale are hereby informed that a combined (ordinary and extraordinary) General Meeting shall be held on Monday 19 May 2020 at Espace Grande Arche in Paris-La Défense (France). The notice of General Meeting, including the agenda and the draft resolutions, as well as the conditions and methods to participate and vote in the General Meeting, have been released today in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO).

Among the 32 draft resolutions submitted to the approval of the shareholders, the Board of Directors proposes to amend the by-laws in accordance with the Pacte bill, notably to adopt a procedure for the appointment of a Director representing the employee shareholders and to take into account, in the strategy of the Company, the social and environmental stakes of its activity.

The shareholders will also have to approve the renewal, for four years, of the term of office of Mr. Juan Maria Nin Génova as Director, who has been an independent Director since 2016, a member of the Risk Committee and of the Compensation Committee, as well as the appointment of Mrs. Annette Messemer as an independent Director. For further details, please refer to the press release dated 9 December 2019.

Among the other draft resolutions that shall be submitted to the vote of the General Meeting, there shall notably the approval of the financial statements, the amount of the dividend set at 2.20 per share for the 2019 financial year, which shall be paid on 28 May 2020 and the renewal of the financial authorisations.

In the current context of the coronavirus crisis, the attention of the shareholders is drawn to the fact that the methods for participating physically in the General Meeting, notably the place and the hour, may change to take into account public health and legal requirements.

Regarding all these questions, the shareholders are invited to connect, on a regular basis, to the website in the section “Annual General Meeting”.

Whatever the evolution of the public health situation and of the applicable legislative provisions, the attention of the shareholders is drawn to the fact that they may participate in the Generale Meeting, without being physically present, by voting remotely (via the secured website “VOTACCESS” or via a postal voting form).

In the current circumstances, it is recommended to opt for these methods for participating in the meeting. The practical modalities in connection therewith are detailed in the notice of the General Meeting.

Furthermore, the shareholders wishing to include items or draft resolutions on the agenda may do so by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

The shareholders may also submit written questions to the Board of Directors by post or online through the email address in accordance with applicable regulations.

Lastly, the General Meeting shall, as usual, be broadcast live on the website

The preparatory information documents for this General Meeting are available on the website of the Group ( in the section “Annual General Meeting”.


Press contacts:

Antoine Lhéritier +33 (0)1 42 13 68 99

Corentin Henry +33 (0)1 58 98 01 75