Philanthropy and Sponsoring
Published on 21/06/2023

World Music Day: Relive the Playing for Philharmonie concert

“Métro, Boulot, Musique Maestro !”. Last December, 350 instrumentalists, choristers, professionals of the Les Siècles orchestra and the ensemble les Métaboles, as well as Societe Generale staff members from all walks of life performed in the grand hall of the Philharmonie de Paris for three exceptional concerts.

For 52 minutes, the documentary recounts  the highlights of the project in France and accross the world. A chance to dive into the journey of some staff members, from their tessiture test to their ascent on stage, or the presentation of choir conductors, etc. Another way to appreciate World Music Day 2023!

Through this initiative, Societe Generale also highlights its special bond with classical music. His patronage engagements go hand in hand with the passionate commitment of his members of staff, united in the orchestra's as well as in the corporate collective.

Photo credit: Arnaud Février

Watch this wonderful human and musical adventure (in French only).