Philanthropy and Sponsoring
Published on 13/10/2020

Societe Generale: Worldwide Partner of Rugby World Cup France 2023

Rugby World Cup 2023 lands in France

As a long-standing loyal partner of the Rugby World Cup, Societe Generale announced its partnership with the 10th edition. From September 8 to October 28 2023, during 51 days of competition, 660 players from the 20 best rugby nations will meet in the stadiums of Bordeaux, Lille, Marseille, Nice, Paris… A promising and thrilling event for millions of fans all around the world.

As Worldwide partner of the competition, Societe Generale wants to make this major sports event a moment of sharing with its clients, employees, and partners, at the heart of the territories the bank is settled in.

In a press release, Frédéric Oudéa – Group's CEO and Bill Beaumont – World Rugby Chairman, share the values conveyed both by rugby and Societe Generale: team spirit, commitment, integrity, solidarity, and respect. These links have been continuously renewed for 35 years, be it amateur or professional rugby, men’s or women’s teams, rugby union or rugby sevens, in France or all around the world. And these links are carried by a strong message: “Together, everything is possible.”

These links will of course be on the spotlight during Rugby World Cup France 2023.