Philanthropy and Sponsoring
Published on 23/10/2023
Societe Generale renews its partnership with the Fédération Française Handisport

Societe Generale renews its partnership with the Fédération Française Handisport

Societe Generale has been a partner of the Fédération Française Handisport* (FFH) since 2003. The Group renews this 20-year collaboration during the International Wheelchair Rugby Cup. The bank thus affirms its commitment to promoting the importance of activities adapted to anyone with a physical or sensory disability, and to structuring these practices. 

From leisure to the elite, and on all fields

Though Societe Generale is known to be a rugby partner, the Group also supports all parasports, notably through:

  • regional and local committees and clubs,
  • the organisation of national and international events in France,
  • the French parasports teams,
  • the development of youth sport. Every year, the “Challenge Societe Generale Handi-jeunes” awards organisations with the strongest involvement in youth parasport. 

As a partner of the Federal Committee and the French National Wheelchair Rugby team since 2019, Societe Generale chose to support Wheelchair Rugby more specifically. 

Societe Generale was an Official Partner of the International Wheelchair Rugby Cup that took place from 18 October until 22 October 2023 in Paris. The French team was eliminated by Canada during the semi-finals (50-51). France ended up taking the fourth place of the competition, losing by one point against Japan in the match for the Bronze Medal (49-50). Australia became World Champion, winning 53 to 48 against the Canadian team in the finals. 

It is also during the finals of the International Wheelchair Rugby Cup that Philippe Aymerich, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Group, signed the renewal of the partnership between Societe Generale and the FFH.

Guislaine Westelynck - Présidente de la FFH et Philippe Aymerich - Directeur général délégué du Groupe

Guislaine Westelynck - President of the FFH and Philippe Aymerich - Deputy Chief Executive Officer

With those who make the French colours shine

Societe Generale joins forces with the French parasport teams, enabling them to shine through their performances and wins. Societe Generale also plays a part in drawing media attention to parasports, communicating extensively about what goes on behind the scenes and the results of the French teams, especially on the “TOUS HANDISPORT” social network accounts. 

Societe Generale supports six elite athletes:

  • Arthur Bauchet, three-time Paralympic Champion of Alpine Skiing and multiple World Champion,
  • Marie Bochet, eight-times Paralympic champion of Alpine Skiing, and multiple World Champion,
  • Perle Bouge, Paralympic silver medallist for Rowing and World Champion,
  • Ugo Didier, Paralympic silver medallist for swimming and World Champion,
  • Jonathan Hivernat, Captain of the French Wheelchair Rugby team and European Champion,
  • Yasser Musunganya, Under 20s World Champion of Wheelchair Athletics. 

These Societe Generale Ambassadors take part in awareness-raising initiatives for employees or clients. They illustrate the Group’s commitments, especially team spirit, which is a core value of Societe Generale worldwide.

*French Parasports Federation