A new relationship model for the bank 2.0
With the in-depth changes in consumer habits and the growing digitalisation of customer relations, Societe Generale is developing a multi-channel setup where the customer chooses the type of interaction and benefits from advice at every step, with a fluid service from one channel to the next. The Bank is using new technologies as an opportunity and is adapting its relational model towards increased co-construction.

More and more autonomous regarding everyday transactions, customers want to permanently be able to easily and rapidly access their bank accounts and to carry out everyday transactions from wherever they may be (over 88% of such transactions are carried out remotely, via mobile device or Internet). Although they visit their bank branches less frequently, they still want a close and human relationship, for complex transactions where the quality of advice is crucial (¾ of French people say they visit their branch at least twice a year).
Bank branches, focused on value-added activities (sales proactivity, customer recruitment and advice, strengthening of the role of general bank advisors), lie at the very heart of the multi-channel setup. Societe Generale, whose ambition is To be "THE reference bank, chosen for the quality and commitment of its teams.”, is able to call on its digital expertise, paying particular attention to the ease of use of its services. Its high-performance online banking offer thus lets customers to use their bank wherever they want, as they choose.
Societe Generale's App, a real asset for the multi-channel setup
Launched in 2010, Societe Generale's App was named the world’s best banking app in 2014 (research by Myprivatebanking Research in April 2014). The App incorporates all of the services that customers require: they can check their bank accounts, receive alerts and talk to their account manager, carry out bank transfers, pay their friends via SMS, pay for online purchases online without having to type in their bank card details (Paylib), manage their budget and more. Customers can now carry their bank around in their pocket!
Societe Generale's App voted best mobile banking application worldwide in 2014
Boursorama, the 100% online bank
Another example of our remote banking offer is Boursorama. A leading player in online banking in Europe, this Societe Generale subsidiary is the benchmark online bank in France and enjoys a leadership position. At the end of June 2014, 555,000 French customers had put their trust in its innovative, simple, low-cost and safe offer that covers three business lines: brokerage, the Boursorama portal (leading economic and financial news website) and online banking.
Co-construction with our customers: from dialogue on social networks to the launch of full-scale trials
Societe Generale is innovating and accompanying the new uses and habits associated with the digital era. A pioneer in this respect, it encourages as much interactivity as possible with its customers and involves the latter in its innovation and creation process in order to provide them with truly relevant and useful services.
The Bank uses social networks to encourage dialogue and co-construction. On its Twitter @SG_etVous account (28,000 followers), it promises to answer any of its customers’ questions within 30 minutes. Societe Generale has also designed an online discussion and co-creation platform (SGetvous.fr), an interactive approach that has led to close to 30 achievements or ongoing innovative projects and is one of the main reasons for the App’s success amongst our customers.
Societe Generale has over a million fans on the various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc.).
All of this digital strategy is also being used and adapted by the Group’s subsidiaries: Monifone and Yoban'tel in Cameroon, MyBRD Mobile in Romania, ALD Mobile for ALD Automotive’s services, My Coaching Room for HR, etc. There is no lack of initiatives, and they are popular.
Societe Generale retail banking key figures: digital services are very popular
- 73% of Societe Generale customers says they use the Bank’s digital services
- The App has been downloaded 3 million times and generates 35 million monthly connections
- 85% of incoming contact is done via digital means (vs. 30% in 2003)