Philanthropy and Sponsoring

Marie Bochet hangs up her skis!

Marie Bochet hangs up her skis!

A 14-year partnership with the Para Alpine Skiing champion

Official Partner of the Fédération Française Handisport, for the last 20 years Societe Generale has helped disabled sport and its athletes develop. In 2010, thanks to the signing of a partnership between Marie Bochet and the Bank’s Albertville branch, Societe Generale pledged, for the first time, to support an elite disabled sportswoman to help her achieve her sporting goals.

Retraite sportive de Marie Bochet, championne handisport de ski alpin

Societe Generale is one of my longest-standing partners. They were there from the start of this great adventure. I’ve plenty of wonderful memories, and I hope I’ll have more with you. An enormous thank you for your support.

Marie Bochet

A tremendous sporting career backed by Societe Generale 

Marie has proved to be a wonderful ambassador for her sport and for the Group, proudly conveying the values of commitment, team spirit and surpassing oneself.

As early as 2011, Marie shone at the World Championships and continued her feats in 2013, winning all the world titles up for grabs at the World Championships – a grand slam she’d reiterate twice during her career!

Memorable speeches

Marie regularly speaks at events to share her career and experiences with staff and clients from every region of the country and to make them aware of the life of an elite para-athlete.

Shining to the very end

To celebrate the end of her sporting career, on 13 April, Marie invited families, friends, fellow French teammates, staff and partners to her home turf in the Beaufortain valley.

The programme included a day of activities at the Les Saisies resort including a Giant Slalom with a single ski pole to understand the athlete’s experience, workshops to increase awareness of para-skiing and the announcement that a ski run at the Arêches-Beaufort ski resort will be named after her.

This end-of-career party ended in her village of Beaufort with an evening of teary and emotional speeches.

Societe Generale is proud of this partnership and would like to thank Marie for the exploits and emotions she’s enabled us to share until now


Photo credit : @ypmedias