#JamaisSansElles: representing women at all levels
Societe Generale is forging ahead with its commitment to promote gender diversity, supporting the #JamaisSansElles association and consolidating its partnership by signing an ambitious and purposeful corporate charter.

By signing the #JamaisSansElles charter (“Never without her”), the members of the General Management (60 Top Managers) have individually undertaken to no longer participate in any public or media event, gathering or engagement, whether in person or remotely, where topics of general interest, including societal, political, economic, scientific or strategic issues would be discussed, commented on or considered, if they involve multiple speakers but none of the speakers are women. In practice, speaking engagements involving charter signatories, at internal or external events such as seminars, round tables, debates and panels open to the public or broadcast on television, participation on judges’ panels, etc., with at least three speakers must include at least one woman. A female moderator does not count in such cases.
Visibility and representation of women at all level
With this charter, Societe Generale group has secured another tool for improving the visibility and representation of women at all levels of its organisation, totalling 133,000 employees in 61 countries. Concrete steps are being taken to achieve a binding target approved by the Board of Directors: by 2023, at least 30% of the positions on the Group’s management bodies must be filled by women, while ensuring that this target is met in the business lines and the functions.
“I am very proud of this new step we’ve taken, which proves that Societe Generale is taking action to implement its commitment to inclusion and diversity. Our group was one of the first in France, back in 1940, to appoint women as managers. 80 years later, we are unfortunately seeing that they are still inadequately represented in executive roles. We are determined to step up the pace towards gender equality, as evidenced by the decision made in December to ensure that at least 30% of the positions on the Group’s management bodies are held by women by 2023. Signing the #JamaisSansElles Charter is one more initiative that demonstrates our commitment to diversity, and to promoting an inclusive environment where everyone can reach their potential without confronting limits or bias, be they conscious or unconscious;” said Diony Lebot, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale group and spokesperson for Diversity & Inclusion.
Towards a more harmonious, egalitarian and human society
“We enthusiastically welcome the Chief Executive Officer and members of the Societe Generale Group Executive Committee to the #JamaisSansElles movement. They are joining more than 500 other signatories and embarking on a journey that has already proved its merit, having very positively and sustainably changed the day-to-day experience of thousands of women and men working at companies and organisations that have placed their trust in our association.
This partnership not only marks a strong, determined commitment from Societe Generale, but also provides practical tools to improve women’s participation in all decision-making, management and representative bodies, both internally and externally. This is creating a movement of balance and ascension towards genuine shared governance that stands the test of time. Let’s advance together towards a more harmonious, more egalitarian and more human society. For #JamaisSansElles, feminism is a form of humanism!" said Tatiana F-Salomon, Co-Chair and Founder of #JamaisSansElles.
This commitment applies to events held online, in-house and outside the company, in France and in any of Societe Generale group’s countries of operation.
Although the signatories made an individual commitment, the #JamaisSansElles Charter should serve as a guideline for all Group employees.
“This is a uniquely important day for us. It sees us confront the responsibility each and every one of us has to take action in order to make gender equality a reality. The Group has been regularly acknowledged for its efforts along these lines, as shown by Societe Generale’s listing on the Bloomberg Index. We still have a long way to go, however, and strong decisions like the ones we made today are necessary to keep moving forward. This work was accomplished in conjunction with all members of the Management team and reflects the vision we hold for the future. It is my hope that many other companies will follow in our footsteps, in solidarity with #JamaisSansElles,” added Philippe Aymerich, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale group.
Read the full charter
Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion at Societe Generale
Learn more about our commitments
Contact: Marie Chambon, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Societe Generale group – marie.b.chambon@socgen.com - + 33 1 42 14 15 88
#JamaisSansElles CharterDownload .PDF 343.8 KB