Being where you belong
The 18th annual Women's Forum Global Meeting took place on 28-29 November 2023 in Paris (France). It was dedicated to education (Change education, Educate for change) and its impact on women’s lives, enabling them to find where they belong and shape their future in a wide variety of fields: technology, climate, health, the future of work, entrepreneurship, etc.
It's one of the paradoxes of our time: how can we be or feel where we belong when the world is undergoing a series of random changes, whether economic, health, technological or geopolitical? To answer this question, here are 5 women's testimonies: women who act to find meaning in their work, who motivate themselves to anticipate changes in their professions, who train to stay ahead of developments, who continually move forward to find the junction between their skills and their values.
And what if, in the end, being where you belong meant being on the move?

These are women from the Societe Generale group, talking about their place in the world of work, their feeling of being in control of their job, their profession, their environment, etc. Five women who are grounded and agile, realistic and resolutely optimistic, 5 voices among thousands that we want to hear and follow. Discover their vision in the first episode of the series.
Being where you belong
Virginie Delalu - Chief of staff, General Inspection & Audit
Being where you belong, to me, is a magical moment. That moment you're in a place which really matches your deepest aspirations.
Sarah Kandil - Digital Strategy Officer
I don't see it as something static. There's this concept of “growth mindset”. This idea that we have to be agile, we must adapt.
Jihane Aguir - Compensation & Benefits Analyst
I feel that I belong in Société Générale because I feel useful.
Laurine Duclos - SGCIB Sustainaibility Solutions Structuring
Doing what you love, believing it's possible to combine technology with the furure’s challenges.
Nathalie Fernandes - Commercial Director, Customer Relations Center SG Ile de France
It comes from personal development, I almost want to say personal and professional maturation. And it comes from people and opportunities.

What if "finding your place" also meant knowing how to pass on the meaning you give to your work? That's THE question of the moment for the generations about to enter the corporate world. Watch the second episode of the series.
Being where you belong
Virginie Delalu - Chief of staff, General Inspection & Audit
If I were give one piece of advice to a young woman starting out in her career, I would tell her that she has to dare to be herself. It’s not wrong to believe in your own success.
Laurine Duclos - SGCIB Sustainaibility Solutions Structuring
I would tell her to persevere, never underestimate yourself. Do what you love.
Jihane Aguir - Compensation & Benefits Analyst
My advice would be to give it a go, not to be afraid to try new things, new topics.
Sarah Kandil - Digital Strategy Officer
To remain curious and then meet as many people as possible and exchange ideas.
Nathalie Fernandes - Commercial Director, Customer Relations Center SG Ile de France
You also have to know how to dare and get help. There are possible fields in a company that offer enough opportunities to find your place.
As a responsible employer, the Group’s ambition, is to establish a fair career management process to enable each employee to develop their own range of professional skills and responsibilities without discrimination of any kind. Accordingly, Societe Generale offers equal access to training and development courses regardless of gender in order to guarantee everyone a diversity of career paths and experience. The challenge is to achieve a balanced representation of women and men at all levels of the organization and more particularly in the governing bodies.