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Published on 03/08/2021
Amateur vs Pro Gamers

Amateur vs Pro Gamers

In 2020, 40% of the world's population regularly plays online, according to a study by DFC Intelligence - a US research and consulting firm working in the digital entertainment industry. That's 3.1 billion people out of a global population of 8 billion. These phenomenal figures also underline a variety of practices: on consoles or PC, on mobile or tablet, alone or online, many people around the world are fans.

Joueur esport en compétition

What are the different esports Consumer Profiles?

From there to being a true pro gamer, there is still some margin. The France Esport 2020 Barometer proposes to distinguish several categories of esport consumers, whether they are watching or practicing by themselves:

  • "General public gamers" play regularly without entering any ranking nor competitions: they are like weekend footballers;
  • "Leisure gamers" are ranked but do not actively compete;
  • last step before the professionals, "intensive gamers" are ranked and take part in open competitions. This last category alone represents 1.2 million people in France. Their typical profile? An upper-class man aged between 15 and 34. Only some of them will be able to compete at a high level and live off their passion.

Pro Gamer: how to become a Professional Video Games Player?

Because if starting a career as a pro gamer is quite attractive, there are many more called than chosen. First as in all sports, you must train intensively: between 30 and 50 hours a week!

You will also have to develop a competitive spirit, great concentration and adaptation skills as well as learn to put up with stress through a healthy lifestyle.

Finally, you should be able to manage your image and your fan base – communities are usually very active on social medias - but also a certain public notoriety as you progress. For those who succeed and reach the top levels, it can then become lucrative. N0tail, real name Johan Sundstein, is the high-earning gamer of all time: at only 26, the Swedish “Dota 2” specialist won 6.89 million US dollars in a total of 108 tournaments (source: esportearning .com and Enough to make more and more people's eyes shine.