ALD Automotive

A market leader poised for further growth
ALD Automotive is Europe’s largest player and a leading international provider of vehicle leasing and fleet management services to corporate customers and private individuals with over 1.4 million vehicles under management. With a direct presence in 41 countries over 4 continents, ALD Automotive is part of Societe Generale group and has the broadest worldwide coverage on the car leasing market. Through its strategy of global alliances and partnerships, ALD Automotive indirectly manages over 1.8 million vehicles, provides its clients with the most comprehensive possible solution and standards of excellence in customer service in 54 countries worldwide.
The cornerstone of ALD Automotive’s ambition is customer service as it strives to be the market reference for technology and innovation. ALD Automotive always seeks to offer the same high service quality to all of its customers and is committed to delivering consistent service and customer experience across borders.
This high quality of service has been recognised once again in 2016 through awards: ‘Service Client’ award in France for the 9th consecutive year, ‘Service Client’ award in Spain and ‘Best Leasing Company’ awards in the Netherlands and Luxembourg. ALD Automotive has also received a ‘National CSR Leadership’ award in India. Fleet managers and car users gave recommendation rates of 81.9% and 82% in 2016 and 2015 respectively.
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Initial Public Offering of ALD
Mike Masterson, Chief Executive Officer of ALD Automotive, discusses the success of the Initial Public Offering of ALD on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, 15 June 2017.

An ambitious business model
In 2016, ALD Automotive achieved growth of 14%, with a managed fleet of 1,375,584 vehicles at the end of 2016, which positions the Group as the No.1 player on the European leasing and fleet management market and No. 3 worldwide.
On 15 June 2017, to accelerate its development and become a leader in a rapidly changing mobility sector Societe Generale announced the success of the Initial Public Offering of ALD Automotive on the regulated market of Euronext Paris. The IPO seeks to let ALD accelerate its development and become a leader in a mobility sector undergoing great change.

ALD issues 1st ever Positive Impact Bond to finance green vehicle fleet
ALD successfully issued an inaugural Positive Impact Bond, a €500m 4-years fixed-rate senior note, demonstrating its commitment to finding innovative financial solutions to fund clean transportation and promote the transition to a low-carbon future. The proceeds of the bond will be exclusively used to finance or refinance eligible vehicles. ALD has selected an initial portfolio of 14,348 vehicles to finance: 24% Electric vehicles and 76% hybrid electric vehicle and plug-in hybrids vehicles, across 13 countries in Europe.

The most innovative mobility provider
The mobility solutions offering is evolving rapidly with the emergence of new players, new solutions and breakthrough technologies. In light of these trends, ALD Automotive is positioning itself to be at the centre of this changing environment by proposing flexible solutions to meet the evolving mobility requirements of its customers.

A responsible company
ALD Automotive has strong Corporate Social Responsibility commitments. In the way they do business the company seeks to improve road safety, comply with national and international regulations, and build long-term relationships with our suppliers. As an employer ALD Automotive work to increase the employability and skills of their staff, promote diversity and improve working conditions. ALD Automotive's environmental commitments measure and reduce their carbon footprint and limit their consumption of natural resources and waste production. Social and civic commitments ensure ALD Automotive always listen to the expectations of all their stakeholders and develop solidarity initiatives in the countries they operate in.