RobecoSAM sustainability ranking: Societe Generale best bank worldwide for environmental dimension
RobecoSAM's annual sustainability ranking puts Societe Generale in 1st place worldwide on environmental topics and in 6th place in Europe across all ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors, out of 175 banks analysed.

- Score on environmental factors: 98/100 (+9 vs. 2018); 1st place worldwide (+20 vs. 2018)
- Overall score for economic, environmental and social aspects: 79/100 (+3 vs. 2018); ranking 6th in Europe (+8 vs. 2018) and 19th worldwide (+15 vs. 2018)
- Selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices - Europe and World
Every year, in conjunction with the S&P Dow Jones Indices, RobecoSAM publishes a ranking of the world's largest companies based on economic, environmental and social factors. The best-performing companies are selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. These rankings provide a benchmark for fund managers looking to invest in sustainable companies. A reflection of the importance of our CSR policy to Societe Generale strategy, the RobecoSAM ranking is one of the measures used to calculate the level of employee profit-sharing in France, as well as a contributing criterion for the variable compensation of members of the Management Committee.
Societe Generale was also distinguished recently by financial research firm Autonomous, which assessed the climate policies of 43 international banks. The survey ranked Societe Generale in 2nd place in terms of climate risk management. It notably commended:
- The quality of the information provided on our climate strategy, notably referring to the TCFD report (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) published in June 2019, which it cites as “Best in Class”;
- The Bank's commitments to green financing, with its objective to contribute €100 billion to the energy transition by 2020 (89% achieved at mid-2019), and its policy to exclude funding of the coal sector and of the exploration and extraction of oil from the Arctic and oil sands.
To find out more read our Integrated Report
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