Societe Generale celebrates 150 years serving the economy
…And kicks off this special anniversary year with a host of initiatives for clients and employees around entrepreneurship, innovation and team spirit

Societe Generale has made 2014 all about its 150th anniversary. Founded by a group of industrialists and financiers driven by a common entrepreneurial spirit, the bank’s very name illustrated their ambition: "Societe Generale pour favoriser le développement du commerce et de l’industrie en France” (“Societe Generale to support the development of trade and industry in France"), as written into its Imperial decree, signed by Napoléon III on 4 May 1864. With a view to modernising the economy, Societe Generale adopted the universal banking model, which at the time and ever since has been at the cutting edge of financial innovation.
Launching the first celebrations, Frédéric Oudéa – Chairman and CEO of the Group– stated: "Our 150 years in operation have been achieved under entrepreneurial spirit, innovation and team spirit, the very DNA of Societe Generale. These historical strengths are a powerful driver of development, and have helped us remain extraordinarily steadfast during times of difficulty: few banks have made 150 years of history on their own. Our vision, centred on our client relationships, is what is guiding us through the changes taking place in our business lines. This 150th anniversary is an opportunity for us to take strength from our origins so that we can better project ourselves into the future, reinvent our business lines and build the banking relationship of tomorrow."... to find out more
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