Published on 25/11/2014

Lyxor announces new organization around three business lines and outlines its strategic ambitions for 2018

Lionel Paquin, CEO of Lyxor, the fully-owned Asset Manager of Societe Generale Group, today presents its new organization and ambitions.

A strategic asset for Societe Generale as part of its Investment Solutions offering, and currently managing and advising on Eur 96bn* of assets, Lyxor aims to grow by 50% by the end of 2018**;

“By grouping all our investment specialists into three centers of expertise, thereby focusing on each of Lyxor’s recognized strengths, Lyxor is now fully geared to meet the growing client need for expert and tailor-made investment solutions” says Lionel Paquin.

In each of its 3 business lines, standing among the most dynamic sectors of the asset management world, Lyxor reaffirms its unique positioning and stronger ambitions for 2018:

  • ETFs & Indexing: Lyxor will pursue an ambitious ETF growth plan in Europe with strategic initiatives in Asia and will continue to concentrate on the leading performance and liquidity of its ETFs. This approach has already allowed Lyxor ETF to grow its AuM by 25% in the last 2 years and reach Eur 38bn* while confirming its rank as #3 in Europe and #6 worldwide. Based on its in-house research teams, Lyxor will also strengthen its Smart Beta offering, representing Eur 8bn* of AuM*.
  • Absolute Return & Solutions: Focusing its active management teams on absolute return programs and customized solutions, Lyxor offers a unique track-record in active risk-based strategies across all asset classes representing close to Eur 9bn of AuM* and manages Eur 15bn in tailor-made solutions, thus standing among largest players European in this field.
  • Alternatives & Multi-Management: A pioneer and world leader in hedge fund managed accounts since 1998 with Eur 14bn of alternative assets, Lyxor extends its unique multi-management expertise to the field of mutual funds. Becoming the fund selection expert of SG Group, Lyxor boasts Eur 11bn of assets under advisory and now offers access to more than 250 of the best performing mutual funds across all markets and asset classes. Lyxor is now one of the very few asset managers to accompany the growing institutional demand for integrated services in fund selection, portfolio management and customized infrastructure. By 2018, Lyxor aims to become a global leader in multi-management across all types of underlying funds.


* Lyxor assets under management (AuM) and advisory as of October 2014.
ETFs & Indexing: Eur 42.7bn of AuM (inc. ETFs AuM of Eur 38.6bn).
Absolute Return & Solutions: Eur 23.9bn of AuM.
Alternatives & Multi Management: Eur 14.4bn of AuM and Eur 10.6bn of Assets under Advisory.
Fortune SG, Lyxor’s joint-venture in China: Eur 4.4bn of AuM (consolidated by equity method at 49%)
** Assets under management (AuM) and advisory as of end of December 2018.


Laurent Tison – Head of Communications
Tel: +33 1 42 13 84 84