Joint Shareholders' Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors' meeting of 20 may 2014

Published on 20/05/2014

The Joint Shareholders’ General Meeting of Societe Generale was held on 20 May 2014 at Paris Expo, Grande Arche of Paris La Défense, and was chaired by Frédéric Oudéa. Quorum was established at 58.27% vs. 56.13% in 2013: - 766 shareholders attended the Annual General Meeting, - 642 shareholders were represented, - 9,190 shareholders voted by post, - 9,420 shareholders, representing 1.62% of the capital, gave their proxy to the Chairman, - More than 69% of the advance votes have been posted on the Internet before the Annual General Meeting. All the resolutions put forward by the Board of Directors were adopted, in particular: - The 2013 parent company and consolidated financial statements were approved, - The dividend per share has been set at 1 euro. It shall be detached on 27 May 2014 and paid from 30 May 2014. - One director was renewed for a period of four years: Robert Castaigne, - One new director was appointed for a period of four years: Lorenzo Bini Smaghi. Favourable opinions were issued on matters related to the compensation of Chief Executive Officers ("Say on pay") and on compensation paid in 2013 to regulated persons. The Annual General Meeting also decided to set the ceiling on variable compensation for regulated persons at 200% of fixed compensation.