Statement from Societe Generale following the publication of an article in Le Monde

Published on 29/05/2019

Following a publication of an editorial from Le Monde on Wednesday 29 May in the context of the merger project between Renault and Fiat Chrysler (FCA), Societe Generale denies holding strategic position on FCA shares. Shareholders data, mentioned by Le Monde, are false. Societe Generale is not the third shareholder of FCA. Contrary to what is stated in the article, current positions are non-significative and result from classic transactions linked to the hedging of operations carried out in the framework of the Bank’s market activities.

Press contacts:
Antoine Lhéritier _ +33 1 42 13 68 99 _
Fanny Rouby _ +33 1 57 29 11 12 _