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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Environment for its own account and responsible procurement CSR evaluation of suppliers and products and services Risk mapping Each procurement category underwent a CSR risk evaluation according to four families: Environment, Social, Business Ethics, and Suppliers. A rating is given to the category; those that received a rating of 3 are identified as at-risk and become priority focuses regarding CSR actions. Progres plans and audits Thanks to a selection methodology carried out based on the Ecovadis evaluation and risk mapping, the Group encourages suppliers in an approach of continuous progress, and wants to move even further away from controlling our risks. Suppliers identified as at-risk according to the Ecovadis evaluation are invited to implement a corrective action plan. An on-site audit approach has also been constructed for suppliers identified as at-risk and belonging to a high-risk sourcing category with regard CSR. This approach is based on the SMETA international standards, adapted to the Group’s issues and the type of suppliers (business sector, geographical establishment). 67 At-risk supplier following Ecovadis evaluation Low-risk PROCUREMENT category Corrective action plan At-risk supplier following Ecovadis evaluation High-risk PROCUREMENT category Audit Comitment to SMEs SME PACT Societe Generale, which was the first bank to sign the SME Pact in December 2007, is committed to supporting innovative small and medium-sized enterprises which, combined with the expertise of our internal teams, afford us an even greater competitive edge. This Pact offers the Group new perspectives and extensive paths for collaboration. Our accession to the Pact has allowed us to rethink our procurement policy in order to facilitate access for the smallest structures to Societe Generale’s procurement contracts. Opening to inovation Organised by the Group’s Innovation Division, the SME Pact Seminars are the opportunity for innovative SMEs to present their work on given topics to the Group’s internal decision-makers. The seminars are also an occasion for SMEs to compare their solutions to the actual needs of a large company. Presentations are followed by a round table discussion with internal and external experts who all bring a unique perspective to the issues at hand and solutions proposed. 1: No risk identified 2: Potential but limited risk 3: CSR risk to be monitored Ecovadis rating scale 0-29 30-49 50-69 70-89 90-100 Strong opportunity Medium opportunity Controlled Medium risk High risk

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