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4.2 General policy and achievements in procurement Responsible procurement Societe Generale develops its socially responsible procurement policy with the implementation of multi-year action plans entitled Ethical Sourcing Program (ESP) then Sustainable Sourcing Program (SSP). History of the CSR comitment of the procurement Division 2006-2007 ESP “FROM INTENTION TO ACTION” Creation of a CSR policy specific to the Procurement division: Ethical Sourcing Program (ESP) Desire to make CSR a major concern for business lines and processes: ■■training of purchasers; ■■development and use of supplier evaluation; ■■identification of CSR risks by purchase family. SSP dashboard The SSP is tracked using the performance indicators below, which make it possible to control and measure our performance in terms of responsible procurement. Management indicators 2012 actual 2013 objectives Number of suppliers evaluated 1,050 100% of suppliers invited to the RFP1 Amount of purchases covered by the CSR evaluation 3 billion 100% of expenditure in France % of suppliers at risk 15% of suppliers evaluated 2015 target: 0% % of our purchases containing a CSR risk 60% N/A Average supplier rating 4.52/10 5/10 % of suppliers that have improved their CSR rating 54% of suppliers re-evaluated N/A Number of progress plans carried out 17 20 Number of audits performed 3 5 % of contracts containing the CSR clause 100% 100% Expenditure with adapted sector enterprises in France 4.9 million 5 million Expenditure with SME/mid-cap suppliers in France 66 30.7% with SMEs 27.6% with mid-cap 30% with SMEs Expenditure with SMEs participating in SME Pact meetings 4.05 million N/A 1 through intercompany mediation Number of referrals to mediation 0 through internal mediation N/A % of purchasers trained in CSR 100% 100% SME Pact supplier satisfaction survey rating 66/100 2015 target: 70/100 Rate of suppliers in financial dependence 13.27% < ou = 2012 % of turnover/files with a TCO approach - 2015 target: 50% % of turnover/files with incorporation of CSR criteria - 2015 target: 100% % of turnover/files under mutual agreement - 2015 target: < à 20% SAM rating (Supply Chain Management part) 64/100 70/100 Average supplier payment time (in days) 54 Less than 60 days % of invoices paid late 20% < ou = 2012 (1) RFP: Request for proposal 2008-2010 ESP “GIVING MEANING TO ACTION” Taking the approach further through targeted actions Contribution to the Group’s initiatives: ■■carbon Neutrality Plan; ■■Mission Handicap; ■■SME Pact. Make progress in controlling operational risks: ■■qualification and coverage of CSR risks through targeted actions. 2011-2015 SSP “CONTINUE, IMPROVE, INNOVATE” Develop know-how by: ■■cultivating operational efficiency; ■■making the supplier relationship more professional; ■■listening to internal customers. Increase outreach with: ■■internal and external communication in order to enhance the actions of purchasers. 2006 2008 2011 2015

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