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Since 2008, the Group has taken part in 9 SME Pact seminars and put 70 innovative SMEs in touch with numerous representatives from the bank’s business lines and divisions. Supplier satisfaction survey Each year, in collaboration with SME Pact, we offer our suppliers the opportunity to evaluate the quality of our relations. This survey is conducted with 450 SME/mid-cap suppliers and is made up of four evaluation topics: innovation, contractual relations, partner relations, and levers. Reinforcement of suppliers As part of this initiative, Societe Generale works on three missions: ■■sponsoring supplier SMEs with other companies that are members of the SME Pact; ■■encouraging the creation of company consortiums; ■■taking our SME suppliers on missions abroad. Intercompany relations charter On 28 June 2010, in the presence of Christine Lagarde (Minister of the Economy, Industry, and Employment), Françoise Mercadal-Delasalles (Director of Resources and Innovation of the Group) signed the Intercompany Relations Charter, governing relations between major order originators and small and medium-sized enterprises. In line with the Charter’s 10 commitments to responsible procurement, its main signatories undertake to improve their relations with suppliers. In becoming a member of the Charter, Societe Generale has undertaken to implement these best practices and establish a climate of mutual trust with its suppliers. Today, a specific plan of action has been set in place to meet the Charter’s 10 commitments along with a tailored communications strategy which targets all of Group’s different stakeholders. Actions implemented: ■■appointment of an internal ombudsman*; ■■inclusion of a clause in the contracts that advocates priority recourse to the ombudsman. “RESPONSIBLE SUP LIER RELATIONS” CERTIFICATION On 20 December 2012, the Societe Generale group received the Responsible Supplier Relations certification from Médiation Inter-entreprises. The certification was awarded to Françoise Mercadal-Delasalles, Director of Resources and Innovation of the Group, in the presence of Fleur Pellerin, Deputy Minister with the Ministry for Industrial Renewal, responsible for SMEs, innovation, and the digital economy. This certification guarantees that the Group meets the ten commitments described in the Intercompany Relations Charter based on an on-site audit of our practices by the evaluation agency Vigéo. To date, Societe Generale is the only banking institution to receive this certification. 68 * Verified by Ernst & Young

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