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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Environment for its own account and responsible procurement In addition, efforts to raise employee awareness have been made across the Group. In October 2012, Societe Generale hosted a conference organised by UNEP-FI on the subject of economic growth in an environment of water resource scarcity: “Pursuing economic growth in a water scarce 21st century” and bringing together various stakeholders (NGOs, consultants, rating agencies, manufacturers). Soci ete General e mo bilis es for “responsi ble paper cons umption ” Paper is the top consumable used by the service activities. The use of paper and its ecological value is a core priority for any “responsible” services company. Approved by members of the Executive Committee in 2007, under the banner of “Let’s consume less, let’s consume better”, the “responsible paper” initiative has two objectives for employees: ■■reduction of paper consumption; ■■encouragement of the use of eco-friendly paper. The project not only covers office paper but also each of the Group’s internal and external publications. Optimising and reducing paper consumption The total paper consumption measured within the Group amounts to 15,066 tonnes in 2012 (data published for the first time this year). It includes all types of paper (forms, envelopes, copy paper, account statements). With regard to office paper alone, its consumption has decreased since 2007, and the share of recycled paper has increased at the same time, contributing to the decrease in the Group’s environmental impact. Consumption of eco-certified office paper has reached 100% in France and 62% throughout the world. 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 61 64.0 62.0 60.0 58.0 56.0 54.0 52.0 50.0 48.0 Annual change in office paper consumption and share of recycled paper Office paper consumption in kg per occupant % of recycled office paper consumed 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 The progress achieved is the result of various projects and actions plans implemented across the Group and its entities, such as: ■■technical actions, often in relation with cross-functional projects, particularly regarding printers (reduction of the number of printers, front/back printing only, increase in scans, etc.); ■■various awareness campaigns on the subject of paper intended for Group employees: communication on eco-actions to be adopted in the office, posting of a Paper Best Practice Guide accessible to all employees as well as the publication of a responsible paper guide, etc.; ■■the establishment of a quarterly report on paper consumption on the French scope; ■■instructions in retail banking associated with a goal of “80% recycled paper” that have yielded results: in five years, recycled paper consumption increased from 20% to 82% of total office paper consumption.

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