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In order to also reduce printed material for customers, many entities have established computerisation systems: ■■Franfinance offers all customers holding a renewable loan the opportunity to sign up for electronic account statements instead of paper account statements. It has also established the computerisation of individual financing (FAP) loan applications; ■■at the end of 2012, Societe Generale France had 1,450,979 subscribers for electronic account statements covering 4,442,283 services; ■■Societe Generale’s computerised consumer lending solution, Démat+, won the “2012 innovative banking solutions” prize; ■■the computerisation and centralisation of Securities forms used by Societe Generale branches on the IASTI document base (intranet available on the advisor’s business area); ■■SGCF General Financing in Lithuania established an automatic signature for electronic documents. Under the Environmental Affairs charter, established at the end of 2010, the statement’s computerisation is systematic; ■■many entities have established the computerisation of invoices, like ALD Automotive as part of its ALD bluefleet programme. New paper invitation to tender project The exclusive use of a service provider that supplies recycled and eco-certified paper has been in place in France since the start of 2009. In order to optimise its paper consumption even more and reduce its environmental impact, the Group has opted for a new policy based on very restricted referencing of the type of paper within the sourcing catalogue as well as personalised requirements as to the quality of this paper for Western Europe. As a selection based solely on certifications has not been deemed sufficient in relation to the requirement of the Group’s environmental policy, a new paper invitation to tender was launched in 2012, with the incorporation of product life cycle analysis criteria. Societe Generale, founding shareholder of EcoFolio in France In 2006, new French legislation imposed that issuers of unsolicited printing for business purposes (publicity, free advertisement publications, etc.) aimed at individual consumers contribute to the financing of recycling, reclamation, and destruction by local authorities. EcoFolio, a state-approved private company, was set up in 2007 to enable companies to uphold this obligation. As part of its environment commitments, Societe Generale not only joined EcoFolio but also supported its creation by becoming a shareholder alongside other companies representing different sectors of the economy. Societe Generale has been on the Board of Directors of the eco-organisation since 2012. 62 Perrinne ROBILART , Purchaser, tells us… The new paper invitation to tender In 2012, the Procurement Division and the Corporate and Social Responsibility Division launched an invitation to tender in order to select paper that meets our strict environmental requirements. Using a very precise questionnaire, suppliers were asked about the complete life cycle of their paper: type and geographical origin of raw materials, means of transport used and kilometres travelled, paper pulp and paper manufacturing procedures, energy and water consumption, and waste management. Audits were then performed in the three preselected recycled paper plants in order to ensure that the manufacturing processes were respected and validate the responses submitted by suppliers*. Evaluating suppliers on our CSR criteria upstream of the invitation for tenders and having only suppliers who demonstrated a low environmental footprint by their responses participate in the invitation for tenders: this was our innovative procurement approach. This new paper will reduce our carbon footprint by 42% in relation to the old recycled paper reference used. * Verified by Ernst & Young

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