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Eco-consumption Societe Generale mobilises to reduce and reclaim its waste and reduce its water and paper consumption. In parallel, the Group makes sure to promote eco-behaviours among all of its employees. Reduction and reclamation of waste At the Group level, waste production is estimated at 15,703 tonnes in 2012. The Group has entered into agreements with service providers for the collection, sorting, and recycling of various categories of waste so that they undergo appropriate treatment. Some illustrations: ■■waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been treated since 2009 at the global level. In France, more than 1,000 tonnes of WEEE has been treated for Societe Generale; ■■selective sorting of waste has been performed since 2006 by employees thanks to placement of approved office trash baskets, which also permit better reclamation of the collected paper (flat storage); ■■Societe Generale also decided to go further than the future legal obligation regarding the controlled dismantling of office furniture and established in 2012 in the corporate buildings a process from the pick-up of office furniture to its recycling or refurbishment for reuse. This initiative received the 2012 CSR innovation trophy for its action; ■■along the same lines, since June 2012, a “Re-entry” project to recover used carpet tiles with the goal of eliminating the environmental impact by 2020 has been initiated. A new floor covering was also tested out in a branch of the Societe Generale network (Charenton branch). In parallel, Societe Generale works to raise awareness on the subject of recycling and waste with its employees but also through partnerships and civic actions. In Equatorial Guinea, Societe Generale financially supported the first ecology carnival (designed entirely around the theme of waste and recycling) organised by Institut Français de Malabo. This year, SG Morocco renewed its partnership with the charity Mawarid as part of the “Maroc sans sacs plastiques” project, with the objective of raising awareness among schoolchildren and merchants in souks. Societe Generale is aware of the scarcity of water resources and works to reduce its own consumption The Group’s water consumption is 1.64 million m3 for 2012. In 2012, several entities (ALD UK, Banque de Polynésie, SG Calédonienne de Banque, SG de Banques in Cameroon, Komerční banka, BRD, SG Srbija, SG Hambros B&T (Gibraltar), Société Marseillaise de Crédit, French retail banking, corporate buildings) adopted technical solutions to limit water flow, such as: ■■installation of water savers or push-button taps; ■■establishment of tap sensors; ■■installation of dual flow flushing; ■■establishment of remote metering systems in the branches consuming the most water; ■■decrease in the number of waste-water air conditioning systems. 60 Recycling of waste within the Group (Rosbank included) in 2012 Proportion of recycled waste 27% Societe Generale Burkina Faso (SGBF) organised a health awareness day to draw the attention of the people of Burkina Faso to the abusive use of plastic bags. To this end, the bank’s employees cleaned up the area around of the St Camille church to get rid of plastic waste. In Croatia, Societe Generale continued its project to clean up the seabed of the Adriatic, initiated in 2011. An operation was organised in the small town of Makarska in collaboration with the charity Global Underwater World Awareness, several ecological charities, the navy, firefighter associations, and special police forces.

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