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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Environment for its own account and responsible procurement Merchandise transport For the first year, Societe Generale collected, for France and as part of its new strategy to expand scope 3, the data regarding CO2 emissions from merchandise transport, corresponding to 2,267 tonnes of CO2. Following the release of the “Transport” decree in France, requiring service providers, starting from 2013, to provide to their customers the amount of CO2 emitted by the transport method(s) used, measures to raise supplier awareness were established by asking service providers starting in 2012 for the kilometres travelled and the CO2 impact on behalf of the Group. Moreover, various collaborative projects to review merchandise transport flows have already contributed to reducing the environmental footprint. Thus, bank transport flows and fund transport flows have been pooled and optimised between the Crédit du Nord and Societe Generale networks. (3) Decree No. 2011-1336 of 24 October 2011 governing the mandatory reporting of the level of carbon dioxide emitted by a transport service. As of 2013, all French service providers offering the nationwide transport of persons and goods will be obliged to notify their clients of the level of CO2 emissions generated by the method(s) of transport used. This information will become mandatory at some point between 1 July 2013 and 31 December 2013. 59 Anaëlle DUGUE, CSR Procurement Manager, tells us… Furniture: an eco-responsible procurement approach favouring professional reintegration Taking advantage of the contract renewal with its furniture supplier of the buildings of the Group’s Headquarters, an innovative procurement strategy, aiming to decrease the environmental impact of the purchased furniture, has been defined. Upstream, an eco-design approach All stages of life of furniture have been examined in order to have a limited environmental impact. The materials used, their origin, their recyclability, and the manufacturing and transport methods are scrutinised and contribute to the choice of furniture. “Product sheets” include all of the CSR criteria of the furniture offered in the Group’s catalogue. They are consulted by the property teams when supplies are ordered. Downstream, reclamation with use of a reintegration charity In 2011, 12,800 pieces of furniture from Headquarters buildings were scrapped with a simple destruction process, without any particular material reclamation research. In addition, the Group wished to anticipate the forthcoming legislation on waste management with a solution for reclamation of furniture at its end of life. In this context, Societe Generale has entrusted Association pour la Réinsertion Économique et Sociale (ARES) with the recovery and recycling of all equipment concerned. Three possible outcomes: donations to charities, resale of furniture in good condition, or reclamation of materials (dismantling, sorting, and recycling). Detailed tracking statements ensure traceability of waste. Lastly and most importantly, by choosing ARES, Societe Generale contributes to the professional reintegration of people in a situation of vulnerability. “Merchandise transport” includes: ■■bank transport: transport of mail and parcels as well as mail shuttles between the sites of the central departments; ■■fund transport: cash management services, counting, packaging, as well as the management of ATMs.

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