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Societe Generale Montenegro was honoured for its determined action plan by receiving the “Naravno, ravnopravno” prize (translation: Equally, Effectively) for the company showing the best results in promoting gender equality in the workplace. Equal treatment In June 2011, in France, an agreement was signed on the elimination of salary gaps between women and men, together with a minimum budget of EUR 3 million for 2011 and 2012. The commitment was respected, with EUR 3 million devoted to the elimination of salary gaps between women and men (EUR 1.4 million in 2011 and EUR 1.6 million in 2012). The agreement ended in late 2012, and negotiations for its renewal began in December 2012. In addition, a new agreement relating to Professional equality between women and men was signed by all representative union organisations within the company in December 2012 for a period of three years. One of the commitments made in this agreement is to achieve a rate of 45% women in management by the end of fiscal year 2015. Several initiatives have also been taken outside France, including a maternity management policy at Komerčni banka (Czech Republic) and shorter workdays for women returning to work before their child’s second birthday in Romania. In Germany, in addition to efforts already taken to encourage women to return to work after maternity leave (childcare allowance for children 6 and younger for women returning to work after a maximum of six months of maternity leave, creation of company daycare centres), the assistance programme established in 2012 allows them to receive advice and support to best manage and plan their return to work. People with disabilities Societe Generale Mission Handicap In France, Societe Generale (excluding subsidiaries) employs 1,072 disabled staff, 118 of whom were hired from 2011 onwards (its target for the 2011-2013 period covered by the second agreement was 150). Among the concrete actions coordinated in 2012 by Societe Generale Mission Handicap are: ■■organisation of the fourth annual “Pass pour l’emploi” career fair in partnership with ADAPT – a day of support for disabled job seekers, held on 8 March 2012 and attended by more than 2,600 applicants; ■■establishment since June 2012 of the “Handiproline” toll-free number, an anonymous, free listening and advice solution regarding disabilities intended for all employees*; ■■partnerships with leading institutions of higher education and universities to inform their 10,000 disabled students about Societe Generale; ■■development of qualifying work-study programmes enabling disabled persons to obtain necessary job skills (“HandiFormaBanques”); ■■a new agreement for the 2011-2013 period to promote the hiring and professional integration of disabled workers was signed in 2011 for Societe Generale SA in France. 50 2012 Handicap Actions ■■4th “Pass pour l’emploi” forum ■■Handiproline toll-free number ■■Partnerships with leading business schools and universities ■■Qualifying work-study programmes * Verified by Ernst & Young

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