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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Responsible employer: Diversity and employability 3.4 Agility: bringing responsible, innovative, corporate spirit to life Gender parity and diversity Diversity Diversity Charter At Societe Generale, diversity is a self-imposed goal in line with the Diversity Charter signed by the Group in 2004 and the two-year framework agreement for the development of diversity signed with the Secretary of State in charge of employment in France in 2010. Professional equality label The Professional Equality Label awarded by French independent certification company, AFAQ-AFNOR, in November 2010 for a period of 3 years recognises and reinforces the success of the Group’s policies and strategies linked to gender parity and professional equality. UK Diversity Committee In the United Kingdom, the UK Diversity Committee, made up of employee volunteers, created in 2008 with the support of the Country Division and Human Resources, has the task of encouraging employees to promote an environment of inclusion and prevent potentially discriminatory behaviours. Its objective is also to inform about the support system in the event of a situation of harassment and encourage the establishment of networks, addressing questions related to gender parity (Women Network), family (Family Network), multicultural aspects (Multicultural Network), and sexual orientation (LGB Network). Gender parity Partnerships The Group promotes gender equality in its partnerships as well. To this end, in 2012 Societe Generale: ■■joined the circle of HR practitioners in finance organised by the Financi’Elles network; ■■participated in the first “JUMP Day”, an international event devoted to the work life of women and the management of their careers, held in Paris in May 2012. Mentoring The promotion of gender parity also involves training designed especially for women. With regard to training, the Group offers two seminars on career management for women. To date, more than 800 women have been assisted through this training. In 2012, Corporate and Investment Banking launched the “Front Women Development” initiative, a mentorship programme dedicated to female front officers and created by women of the front office of the consulting and financing business lines. Women’s networks The Group promotes gender parity by supporting women’s networks throughout the company. Examples of such networks of women executives include Féminin by SG in France, the America’s Women Network in the US, and the UK Women’s Network in the UK. Among the 2012 initiatives is the Singapore Women’s Network, which includes female customers in its networking initiatives. Lastly, in 2012, new networks were created at Crédit du Nord, in Luxembourg and in Senegal in particular. 49 Women’s networks ■■“Féminin by SG” in France ■■“UK Women’s network” in United Kingdom ■■“Singapore Women’s Network” in Singapore ■■“America’s Women network” in the United States

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