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Solidarity and employment Societe Generale initiatives for employment in France The “Coup de Pouce pour l’insertion” plan implemented each year since 2009, targeting successful, long-term professional integration of young people from sensitive urban areas within Societe Generale, was continued. The operation was conducted in 2012 within the regional delegations of Lyon, Lille, Marseille, and Ile-de-France. The aim of the programme is to promote equal opportunities on the job market for young people with no university qualifications, regardless of where they live. In 2012, over a period of 12 months, Societe Generale integrated 40 young people under a work experience contract and offered a permanent contract to 68% of them. Societe Generale has also been a partner of the Talent des Cités contest since 2009. Each year, this national contest rewards and promotes business creators from working-class neighbourhoods. In 2012, the Global Service project supported by Societe Generale received the Grand Prize. This project aims to create a construction material recycling company in the Minguettes neighbourhood of Vénissieux. In France, Societe Generale’s partnerships for integration are also implemented through actions conducted with learning institutions, including in 2012 the repeat of the Start-up panels with the HEC-Entrepreneurs master’s degree and the charity Nos Quartiers ont des Talents and the hosting of students from modest backgrounds organised as part of the “Une Grande École Pourquoi Pas Moi ?” programme offered by ESSEC. In addition, Societe Generale Coporate Foundation focuses its efforts on professional integration and integration through education. 48

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