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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Responsible employer: Diversity and employability International travellers In order to effectively protect the health and safety of its international travellers and employees who move between countries, Societe Generale introduced its “Health, Safety, Security” global assistance programme in 2009 with the support of a global leader in international health and safety services. Actions for wel-being Many actions are also taken in order to develop the well-being of employees in the company. There were several initiatives in 2012 related to this subject, including: ■■ nutrition: in France, the Sustainable Catering programme implemented in 2010 has particular requirements regarding the products served (quality, source, etc.). This programme’s actions were rewarded in August 2012 by the Directorate General for Food of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food, and Forests, which awarded the “Bien manger, c’est l’affaire de tous” label to the company restaurants of the central departments of Societe Generale of La Défense and Val de Fontenay. Outside of France, Canada and Switzerland also offered free fresh fruit to their employees; ■■ childcare: in France, in addition to the offer of long-term childcare throughout France thanks to a partnership with two childcare centre networks, the emergency childcare plan “Flexi-crèche” allows employees to reserve a temporary space in a childcare centre in the event of a problem with their usual method of childcare; ■■ regarding services: Societe Generale’s platform of services “Mon Quotidien et Moi” is an information network for employees in France on family (children, parenting, the elderly, the disabled) and home-related issues. Support for employees during a crisis period Support for employees during Hurricane Sandy The bank remained in close contact with its employees to give them attention and special assistance to guarantee their safety and health conditions first and foremost. Specific safety instructions were given to personnel on site, and remote access was activated so that most employees did not need to go to the office at a time when conditions were particularly unfriendly. At the same time, employees who needed to be present in the Group’s offices during this event were handled by the Business Continuity Management teams. This collaboration allowed the business line and support function teams to carry out functions critical to maintaining their activities with a great concern for professionalism. Employe savings and share ownership Employe share ownership In 2012, nearly 135,000 current and former employees in more than 250 different entities and 58 countries were offered the chance to take part in the reserved capital increase. In total, 23% of beneficiaries subscribed, i.e. 32% of those eligible in France (for Societe Generale France and the French subsidiaries) and 10% of those eligible outside France. This year, this operation created EUR 4.19 million in shares representing an investment of more than EUR 80 million. At 31 December 2012, under the Company and Group Savings Plans, the staff of Societe Generale France and its subsidiaries and branches held a total of 59,344,358 Societe Generale shares, accounting for 7.61% of the share capital and 12.47% of the voting rights2, for more than 101,000 present and former employee shareholders around the world. (2) Disclosure in accordance with Article L. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code. 47

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