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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Responsible employer: Diversity and employability 3.3 Attention: taking each employee into consideration Social dialogue In France Societe Generale’s by-laws provide for staff-elected representatives on its Board of Directors. In France, employer-employee dialogue is championed by various representative bodies set up by the Group in accordance with the French Labour Code. Abroad For example, in the International Retail Banking Division’s countries of operation where local labour laws do not provide for staff representation or make it possible but not mandatory, the subsidiaries organise employer-employee dialogue according to formal, detailed procedures that vary according to country. Each of these entities ensures that employees have an ad hoc procedure for expressing any concerns or grievances and that they are taken into account. Employeremployee dialogue can take the form of regular meetings which provide an opportunity for department managers and the Human Resources Department to communicate with staff. Employees and their managers are kept informed of the activities of these bodies and their procedures, particularly during the induction of new employees. Information is also available through other channels, including the intranet site of the Human Resources Division and regular meetings. Organisation of work Part time Employees who may work under schemes reducing the number of hours worked to 90% (introduced in May 2008), 80%, 70%, 60%, or 50%. Several of the Group’s French subsidiaries have signed special agreements, as have many foreign entities. 10,363 employees (i.e., 6.84% of the workforce) work part time within the Group as a whole (including 6,214 in France, of which 4,886 for Societe Generale SA in France). Absenteism Rates of absenteeism and the related causes are monitored at all Group entities. The absenteeism rate (number of days of absence/total number of days paid, as a percentage) observed over the first 11 months of fiscal year 2012 was 3.92% (main reasons: illness 1.88%, maternity 1.22%) at the Group* level and 5.37% (main reasons: illness 2.68%, maternity 2.53%) for Societe Generale SA in France. 43 3.92% * This is the absenteeism rate over the first 11 months of 2012 at the Group level. * Verified by Ernst & Young

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