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Evaluation: Performance management Beyond the expectation of operational results, the evaluation process, common across the Group, aims to evaluate how these results are obtained. Its purpose is to recognise, on common criteria, the skills of each person and promote employee development and the emergence of strategic talents. Appraisals are based on two milestones: the definition of objectives at the beginning of the year and an end-of-year appraisal interview. These appraisal interviews provide an invaluable opportunity for dialogue and exchange between an employee and his or her manager. It is a chance to discuss the results obtained, but also the behaviour which led to these results, in order to identify and encourage lasting value-creating behaviour in the future. The evaluation process is part of the Societe Generale leadership model, which makes it possible to advance the managerial culture; in particular, it encourages managers to develop a culture of feedback in order to support employees and contribute to their personal development. In 2012, nearly 110,000 Group employees underwent an evaluation interview. Monetary remuneration Monetary remuneration includes: ■■a fixed salary which rewards the ability to satisfactorily hold a position using the requisite skills; ■■and, where applicable, variable remuneration based on collective and individual performance and the achievement of results, but also the behaviour adopted in order to achieve the objectives set at the beginning of the year, based on Group-wide standards and according to the context. Based on global Group-wide principles, the Group’s monetary remuneration policy is adapted to the particular economic, social, and competitive environments of the markets on which it operates, as well as the legal and regulatory obligations in force. Where employee numbers permit, a transverse review between functions and businesses is carried out in order to ensure consistent, objective remuneration levels between the Group’s different activities and to facilitate cross-business co-operation. All Societe Generale Group entities respect their commitments with regard to the payment of taxes and social security charges on salaries and staff benefits. Internal mobility Within Societe Generale, mobility is not just about a change in location, but also a change in business line or function. Employee growth is facilitated by special access to internal opportunities. They are supported in their procedures by management and Human Resources. In 2012, close to 8,350 employees of Societe Generale SA in France were able to add to their career development by changing jobs. Internationally, at the end of 2012, the Group had more than 1,100 expatriates and impatriates (to and from all countries combined). 42 110,000 employees of the Group underwent an evaluation interview in 2012. 1,100 This was the Group’s number of expatriates and impatriates in 2012

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