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Solidarity loyalt y programme Filigrane, associated with the JAZZ offer, supports Les Restaurants du Coeur and Handicap International (this programme collected nearly EUR 419,620 in 2012). Under the regulations governing sales with premiums, Societe Generale donates a financial contribution of EUR 0.25 on each gift in equal parts to Restaurants du Coeur and Handicap International. Through this programme, these two charities received nearly EUR 163,000 for 2012. Members of this loyalty programme can also convert their loyalty points into donations to either Restaurants du Coeur or Handicap International. Societe Generale matches 40% of point donations made by customers. In 2012, nearly EUR 257,000 was contributed to the charities. Socialy responsible investment (SRI) Societe Generale is responding to the growing demand from professional and individual investors for socially responsible products (SRI). The bank offers several types of investments (equities, bonds, and money market products) through its ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) investment funds, which select the most advanced companies based on these three criteria. In 2012, Societe Generale maintained its communication efforts to support the distribution of SRI products to various categories of investors. 2.3 Solidarity products and services in retail banking abroad For nearly ten years, Societe Generale’s international network has supported microfinance activities. It develops its activities in countries where it has a universal banking presence. “Here & There” of er Since 2007, the concept “Your Bank: Here & There”, which Societe Generale offers, has continued procedures to help foreigners or French people of foreign origin living in France who have maintained strong ties with their country of origin, i.e., around 5 million people in France. The principle behind Societe Generale’s “Your bank: Here & There” offer is that customers benefit from the banking products and services of two entities, one “here” and the other “there”. Tailored to foreigners residing in France, this service was designed and developed thanks to the presence of the bank in those countries with the highest flows of migrants to France. It draws on the synergies between Societe Generale’s French retail network and its retail banking subsidiaries abroad. “Here”, for the day-to-day needs of customers in France (current account, bank card for payments or withdrawals, remote banking services (voice or internet) and bank details for direct debits, etc.). “There” for any products or services needed in their country of origin, since most customers still have very strong links (money transfers, access to banking services, real estate loans, and body repatriation). 28 The partner charities of our solidarity product offers SOLIDARITY Armée du Salut, Secours Catholique, Secours populaire français, Habitat et humanisme, Restaurants du coeur, Société nationale de sauvetage en mer (SNSM), CARE France, Talents et Partage, Petits Frères des Pauvres, Emmaüs Solidarité, CCFD Terre Solidaire, ADO DISABILITY Association des paralysés de France, UNAPEI, Handicap International, Perce Neige, Fédération Française Handisport EDUCATION Les Apprentis d’Auteuil MEDICAL RESEARCH Association pour la recherche sur le cancer (ARC), Fondation pour la recherche médicale, Vaincre la mucoviscidose, Institut Pasteur, Ligue Contre le Cancer, Association Européenne contre les Leucodystrophies (ELA), Sidaction, Fondation de l’avenir pour la recherche médicale appliquée, France Alzheimer HUMANITARIAN AID ATD Quart Monde, Un Enfant par la Main, Croix Rouge Française, Terre Fraternité, Reporters Sans Frontières, Solidarité Laïque CARE Les Diaconesses de Reuilly, Petits Princes RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS Conférence des Évêques de France ANIMAL CAUSES Fondation 30 millions d’amis, SPA ENVIRONMENT Fondation Sylvain Augier, Fondation Nicolas Hulot, Office National des Forêts, Surfrider Foundation Europe, Guide Chamonix ENTREPRENEURSHIP Initiative France, ADIE

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