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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Solidarity banking offer 27 Solidarity products offered by the retail bank to customers Cards New cards since 1 June 2012 with the colours of the charity Emmaüs. Collection Business entrepreneurs cards. Environment business cards (supporting the actions of the National Office of Forests). In June 2012, the “Collection Business entrepreneurs” card, co-branded with Initiative France, was launched, contributing 5 euro cents for each payment made with the card to Initiative France in order to fund and support business creators*. Solidarity savings The solidarity savings service allows customers to contribute all or part (25, 50, 75, or 100%) of the interest on their savings passbooks (Livret A, Livret Développement Durable, Livret Jeune, CSL, Livret Épargne Plus, Livret BFM Avenir) to one or more charities or foundations supporting a humanitarian or social cause and acting for health and the environment. In 2012, EUR 280,820 in interest was contributed, including Societe Generale’s matching contributions. Six new charities benefit from the solidarity savings service: ■■CARE France; ■■Fondation ATD Quart Monde; ■■Talents & Partage; ■■UNAPEI; ■■Vaincre la mucoviscidose; ■■Fondation 30 millions d’amis. Charity collection cards More than EUR 1.5 million contributed to partner charities in four years, including EUR 579,771 in 2012*. * Verified by Ernst & Young

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