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Personal microcredit In order to support people who are ineligible for traditional loans in achieving their projects, Societe Generale has offered microcredit in partnership with two charities, Restaurants du Coeur and Crésus, in some Regional Divisions in mainland France since 2010. In partnership with France’s Caisse Nationale d’Allocations Familiales (CNAF) and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), Societe Generale launched “Jeunes Avenir” loans, benefiting more than 2,500 young people entering the workfor ce since 2007. Micro-insurance experience in Moroco A partnership between La Marocaine Vie, an SG Insurance subsidiary in Morocco, and INMMA (Moroccan micro-business support institution) was signed in 2010. This partnership brought about the credit life insurance (ADE) policy, which is micro-insurance intended to ensure the loan’s repayment in the event of the policyholder’s death or disability. 2.2 Solidarity products and services in French Retail Banking EIn France, Societe Generale facilitates discussions, brings customers together with social entrepreneurs, and supports its customers in their solidarity approach. In 2012, the bank expanded the number of partner charities and its range of products and services. Societe Generale’s solidarity banking offer is intended for all of its customers, individuals, professionals, and companies. It allows donations to be made to many recognised public-benefit or general-interest charities. In 10 years, outstanding solidarity finance amounts in France multiplied by 12, exceeding the record of EUR 3.5 billion in 20112. Societe Generale is a responsible company that supports solidarity actions thanks to responsible banking products. 26 Solidarity projects in France EUR 1.32 M contributed in 2012, a 23% increase compared with 2011, to 46 partner charities (2) Source Finansol Find more information by clicking here

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