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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Solidarity banking offer Actions to support ADIE taken by Societe Generale regarding Microfinance (1) Source CGAP 25 in 2012 Collaboration between Societe Generale and ADIE EUR125 K Societe Generale’s contribution to ADIE’s operating costs. 1,128 supported projects with ADIE in 2012. 5,236 microloans refinanced by Societe Generale since 2006, i.e. EUR12.8 M total granted by ADIE since 2006. Societe Generale is the number 2 financier in France and number 1 in Polynesia and New Caledonia. Support to ADIE (association for the right to economic initiative) Societe Generale has supported ADIE’s actions since 2006 by making refinancing facilities available to it for its microcredit activity and by helping to fund its support actions. This support involves both retail banking in mainland France and its overseas subsidiaries. For several years, the Group has been a partner of the “ADIE Microcredit Week” event. The Societe Generale Foundation for Solidarity was involved in supporting an ADIE project in Polynesia in 2012. A EUR 60,000 grant was awarded in 2011 for the installation of the Raiatea antenna. In 2012, EUR 45,000 was granted for continued establishment in the Leeward Islands*. Societe Generale is the number 2 financier and number 1 in Polynesia and New Caledonia. With regard to the granting of microloans, in 2012, the Societe Generale group granted to ADIE a EUR 3.5 million financing line for mainland France as well as a EUR 0.34 million line granted by Banque de Polynésie for French Polynesia and another EUR 1.5 million granted by Societe Generale Calédonienne de Banques for New Caledonia*. In 2012, Societe Generale had financing relationships with around thirty MFIs throughout the world. ■■Sub-Saharan Africa: Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, and Senegal. ■■Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, and Lebanon. ■■Eastern Europe and the Caucasus: Albania and Georgia. ■■Asia: India. The African continent receives 16% of the global funds intended for microfinance, estimated at EUR 14.8 billion1. The Group’s subsidiaries are therefore a precious source for the continent’s institutions. Five of our subsidiaries have invested in the capital of microfinance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa as founding shareholders; these include: ■■Madagascar: AccesBanque Madagascar; ■■Ghana: Advans Ghana; ■■Cameroon: Advans Cameroun; ■■Ivory Coast: Advans Côte d’Ivoire; ■■Burkina Faso: ACEP Burkina (approval obtained in 2012). Societe Generale is a founding shareholder of MicroCred, which is a microfinance group created in 2005 at the initiative of the French NGO PlaNet Finance, which has 1,400 employees throughout the world and, at the end of 2012, has six MFIs in Africa and China for a total of 150,000 customers. * Verified by Ernst & Young

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