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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Solidarity banking offer An unprecedented services ofer The offer covers all of the specific needs of the bank’s migrant customers, notably: ■■a transfer service between Societe Generale subsidiaries with customers benefiting from some of the lowest rates on the market (monthly subscription fee of EUR 1 and between EUR 1.50 and EUR 10 per transaction whatever the amounts involved) when sending money to family members who still reside in the customer’s country of origin or when depositing savings, all of which can be done by telephone*; ■■the possibility of opening a bank account with a Societe Generale subsidiary from a Societe Generale branch; ■■the possibility of applying for a real estate loan to finance an investment in the customer’s country of origin, based on their income in France; ■■death/repatriation insurance for migrant customers who wish to be buried in their country of origin but are worried that they will not be able to cover the costs. Adapted structures All of the branches of the Societe Generale France network are able to make this offer. However, in order to be more in touch with potential customers, a specific organisation has been put in place: ■■branches in France with representative offices for Group subsidiaries abroad that are a genuine showcase for the Group in that they are managed by staff who master the language and culture of the country concerned; ■■specific training for staff in close to 600 branches in areas with a high proportion of foreigners and “Open days” for customers. Migrant savings: supporting populations from the South both in France and in their country of origin How best to make the savings of migrant bank customers’work in their country of origin is a key topic and source of great debate. In order to capitalise on the different initiatives by commercial banks and its own experience in the field, Societe Generale invited different representatives from non-governmental organisations, development and migrants associations, banks and public authorities to take part in a meeting in June 2007. Attended by some thirty guests, discussions centred on the theme of “supporting populations from the South both in France and in their country of origin”, with the emphasis on the Mediterranean Basin and Sub-Saharan Africa. The dedicated sales management teams presented the products and services designed in France to meet the specific needs of migrant customers, primarily the management of their money in France and in their country of origin under the concept of “dual banking relationships”. Colleagues from Morocco and Senegal were invited to talk about the bank’s ratings amongst Moroccans living abroad and Senegalese customers in France. Banking activities in the micro-finance sector were recalled with particular focus on Madagascar, where the BFV-SG Group’s subsidiary works directly or indirectly for the financing needs of local populations. A forum for constructive dialogue that was highly appreciated by its participants, it was also an opportunity for Societe Generale to highlight the bank’s proactive approach to adapting its products and services to foreign customers. * Verified by Ernst & Young 29 Find more information by clicking the map

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