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1.4 Proactive dialogue with stakeholders Its “stakeholders” form a community which, whether a part of the Group or not, shares the same interests, the same logic and influences, and with which it has fostered a climate of dialogue and exchange. Expectations and types of relationships with our stakeholders For the sake of transparency, the table below lists the essential players and our “types of relationships”. The “types of relationships” qualify the actions taken by the Group in order to meet the expectations of these partners. 16 Stakeholders Expectations of stakeholders Measures for listening, dialogue, coordination, and reporting in 2012 Contractualisation/ Agreements/Protocols established Information/ Training Partnerships/ Programmes Actions Surveys CUSTOMERS & CONSUMER ASSOCIATION S Customers Develop loyal, fair, transparent business relations. Promote the development of environmental and social best practices Implementation of the MiFID1, making it possible to categorise customers according to their ability to take risks Anti-corruption: 32,000 employees trained (mainly in France). Mediation: publication of the mediator’s report Responsible credit and attention to over-indebtedness: renewal of the Crésus partnership in 2012. 500 customers put into contact with Crésus at Franfinance and 235 customers at CGI Customer satisfaction: Action plan (specialised subsidiaries). Mediation Scrivener (since 1996); public mediator (AMF, FFSA, etc.); free referrals; Anti-corruption: two audits performed in 2012. Satisfaction surveys: national surveys (specialised surveys, retail banking), mystery visits. Bonus share plan for employees tied to customer satisfaction Consumer associations Develop nondiscriminatory and transparent business practices. Communicate on the Group’s product policy Participation in the Advisory Committee of the financial sector Websites of individual and business customers Responses to requests (via the Press, Quality and Marketing Departments and the Customer Relations Department, etc.) EMPLOYES (including PENSIONS & STA FF REPRESENTATI VE BODIES) Employees Promote the personal and professional development of our employees Stress at work: renewed partnership with the INAVEM. New missions with the ANACT Internal promotion: deployment of the Passerell’E internal promotion plan in 2012. Health: continuation of flu vaccination campaigns in 2012 (1,200 vaccines in the Group). Employer satisfaction surveys: 400 action plans and 1,200 actions Employer satisfaction surveys. Stress at work: questionnaires offered to employees during the medical visit on stress at work. Stress at work: social workers and occupational medicine, 24/7 hotline (SG in Germany), telephone or physical assistance (SG in Luxembourg), etc. Retired employees Maintain a social link with former employees who have contributed to the Group’s development Sogénews Internet portal “Talents et Partage” partnership Employee share ownership plan Employee representative bodies Maintain in-depth employer-employee dialogue 304 framework agreements in 2012, including 87 in France. Agreements on remuneration, equality in the workplace, working hours, and employee benefits (including health insurance and pension). Participation in the European Works Council, Group Committee, CCUES, Establishment Committees, CHSCT, etc. NGOs Environmental NGOs, human rights, civil society Adopt a socially responsible approach. Comply with their commitments of responsibility towards the community and the environment Participation in webinars, conferences, and information and consultation meetings of NGOs (UNEP-FI, WRI, Amis de la Terre, GRI, etc.) Corporate sponsorship, longterm partnerships with associations and NGOs Collaboration in working groups, work, and publications (water, biodiversity, etc.) (1) MiFID: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

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