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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Responsible finance Societe Generale contributes to the financing of a wind farm in California (United States) In 2012, the Group was involved in financing the construction and maintenance of 155 wind turbines in the State Park desert. By 2015, this project will generate 465 MW in electric energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify sources of energy, create jobs, etc. Socialy Responsible Investment SRI dedicated research The SRI team conducted various studies in 2012 to inform investors in their search for investments according to CSR criteria. SRI assets under management Any realistic analysis of these figures must necessarily factor in today’s extremely fragile mutual fund market (subprime crisis in 2008, eurozone debt crisis in 2010) in which demand for this type of investment vehicle has declined amongst most market distributors. Against the current economic backdrop and with investor risk appetite at a serious low, the different SRI marketing drives carried out to date have yet to have a visible impact on inflows and therefore on assets under management Employee savings of the Group’s employees certified SRI Around 38,000 holders of the Societe Generale group represent EUR 304 million in assets under management, invested in all SRI single company mutual funds (FCPE) concerned, as well as in all savings plans (company, PEE or PEG, and retirement with PERCO – collective pension savings accounts). 15 SRI multi-sectoral studies in 2012 ■■SIR Fracking Facts ■■Toxic Consumer Goods ■■SIR Client Survey ■■Material Risks: Mining & Green Technologies ■■CEO Value ■■Remuneration & ESG Factors ■■Pharmaceutical Marketing ■■SIR Beyond Integration ■■Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Safety SRI assets under management at the end of 2012 (distributed in the France network) EUR 40 M SG ACTIONS EUROPE ISR EUR 3.3 M SG OBLIG CORPORATE ISR EUR 102 M SG MONETAIRE ISR Romain Floc’h, Consulting Engineer in renewable energies, tells us… Financing of green energy projectss Wind, solar, hydroelectric, or biomass and methanisation projects require significant capital for their construction. The bank therefore has real added value in order to help our customers to set up these green projects. The consulting engineers from the renewable energies industry sector support the bankers in adapting the financing to the specific needs of customers but also in advising customers about the best approach to adopt. Many new technologies are emerging in renewable energies. Our role is also to make the connection between technology and finance in order to ensure both the allocation of the resources necessary for these new challenges and the sound management of Societe Generale’s risks. We also participate in establishing the bank’s policy in this sector and developing green energy financing guides, making it possible to roll out services on a broad scale, like in photovoltaics.

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