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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Societe Generale and its employees are committed to civil society Volunteer work All employees based in the United Kingdom are entitled to two days per year out of their working time to engage in volunteer work as part of our CSR programmes or activities of their choice. In 2012, 13.2% of employees in the United Kingdom devoted 4,372 hours to volunteer work in order to share their knowledge, skills, and experience and offer practical assistance to local communities. More than 50% of these volunteer hours were devoted to education (support in reading/writing, arithmetic, and language learning for local primary schools) and professional integration (creating a CV, practice job interviews, and presentation of trades). When they are asked, most of these volunteers tell us that they want to “make their contribution” to the community through their action. They also feel that volunteering comes with mutual benefits and has a positive impact in fields such as personal and behavioural skills (e.g. communication, efficiency, creativity) (80%), management abilities (64%), self-confidence (74%), and a sense of well-being/happiness (90%). CARE The Citizenship Programme is based on a large network of Citizenship Ambassadors in the 34 countries where Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) is present. The Citizenship Ambassadors put in place partnerships with local charities and mobilise employees to work to benefit these charities. With the support of the Societe Generale Foundation for Solidarity, since 2008, CIB has supported the international NGO CARE in the financing of education access projects for disadvantaged children in Peru, Mali, Bangladesh, Morocco, and Benin; EUR 2.5 million has already been contributed to the NGO between 2008 and 2013. In addition to this amount are employee donations (nearly EUR 900 K between 2008 and 2011) through solidarity fundraising events. These additional donations have helped to finance project expansions or increase the number of beneficiaries in the five countries of involvement. 75

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