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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Societe Generale and its employees are committed to civil society Employe comitment The Citizen Commitment Awards acknowledging the community actions of employees in all Group entities launched in 2011 were repeated in 2012 and honoured three projects in which the Group’s employees chose to become involved: ■■the battle against illiteracy in Burkina Faso, supported by the charity Les Amis de Kantchari, in collaboration with Talents & Partage, a solidarity charity of Societe Generale employees and retirees. The project involves the construction of two new high school grade levels and the construction of a primary school with three grade levels in the commune of Kantchari; ■■social and professional integration through training and qualification of young people and adults, coordinated by the charity Ateliere Fara Frontiere and supported by BRD, a Societe Generale subsidiary in Romania. In 2012, the implemented Inser&TIC project had the particular aim of creating ten new jobs in the integration workshops dedicated to the recycling of computer equipment; ■■assistance in entering working life for 150 young people from the favelas of São Paulo, through the Luciole project developed by the charity Caza Do Zezinho, supported by Societe Generale Brazil. The objective in 2012 was to find partners to start tourism courses, which would make it possible to increase the number of young people trained and offer new possibilities for integration on the labour market. Talents & Part age: the dynamic intensifies Partnerships that are set to last Nos Quartiers ont des Talents In collaboration with Societe Generale, Talents & Partage is a partner of the charity Nos Quartiers ont des Talents. It acts for the professional integration of young graduates from disadvantaged neighbourhoods with four years of higher education. Since the beginning of the partnership, nearly 300 sponsors have been recruited, 800 young people have been helped, and half have found a job. Special Olympics Talents & Partage actively supports the Special Olympics association which organises intercompany relay races across France. In 2012, it took part in 8 races: in Bordeaux, Nantes, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, Lille, Lyon, Paris-La Défense, Paris Nord 2, and Nice. All told, 616 runners entered for the races, including 420 employees in La Défense. The 10 km races are run by a team of 4, and all funds raised are used to finance sports activities for mentally disabled children and children with Down’s syndrome. Coup de pouce humanitaire Since 2008, Talents & Partage has supported the charity Coup de pouce humanitaire in achieving humanitarian projects abroad (eight per year) in which Group employees are involved during their leave time to perform concrete work: construction and launch of childcare centres, schools, dispensaries, and integration workshops. 73

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