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5 Societe Generale and its employees are committed to civil society 5.1 Societal and civic actions Societe Generale Corporate Foundation for Solidarity 2nd Chance School Facilitating integration into the labour market is one of the priority areas of ALD Automotive France’s CSR policy. In March 2011, the opening of a 2nd Chance School in Clichy was the opportunity to reinforce this strategy by reaching a new audience: young people without qualifications. ALD Automotive France aims to establish a long-term partnership by welcoming interns for three weeks throughout the year in the businesses of finance, commerce, and used vehicles. The diversity of business lines and the territorial proximity of the school, as well as the commitment of the General Management, are advantages for the success of this integration project. Sixty per cent of the school’s students find their 2nd chance: definition of a professional plan, direct entry into working life, or enrolment in qualifying training. Fundação Gol de Letra in Brazil The Gol de Trabalho programme emphasises training and employability of young people and adults in many fields such as administration, telemarketing, sales, and customer services. The project will benefit the Gol de Letra foundation for: ■■acquisition of equipment; ■■educational and cultural activities to improve the training of young people and increase their knowledge; ■■better employability. Young adults undergo selection tests and, if they are selected, choose from among the available courses. Each session includes 349 training hours as well as a follow-up during the sixth and twelfth month after completing the training. Hiring interviews are carried out through partnerships with companies. The Societe Generale Institute also works on the government programme Jeunes Apprentis aiming to improve the professional integration of young people in partnership with large or medium-sized companies able to guarantee a rate of 5% to 15% of young apprentices in their total workforce. Through its Institute, Societe Generale contributes to building a relationship between companies and apprentices and has 13 junior analysts who were young apprentices in this programme. At the end of 2012, 48 young apprentices had completed their training within the Group’s entities in Brazil. TEAK In the United States, Societe Generale has established a successful partnership with TEAK, a programme helping New York students from low-income families to obtain admission and succeed in their studies at prestigious high schools and universities by providing summer internships to a dozen participants. 72 In 2012, Societe Generale funded for EUR 9 M of solidarity actions, includes EUR 2 M by the Societe Generale Foundation for professional integration and education

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