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The performance level is maintained with 11 targets for the environmental quality of the building in operation deemed “Very efficient”. The IT division’s strategy, which involves consolidating and reorganising the IT centres, has saved 10.5 GWh of energy per year. The France network In order to decrease its energy consumption internally, Societe Generale equipped 100 branches with energy and water remote metering systems in 2012. Within the Societe Generale network, new signs incorporate LED technology and are backed by an astronomical clock, which has permitted energy savings. Societe Generale received the 2012 ICONA gold prize for the network sign, awarded by the Syndicat National de l’Enseigne et de la Signalétique (French national signage union). Subsidiaries The specialised financing division’s 2012 CSR Trophy was awarded to Sogecap for establishing the automatic shutdown of PCs at night and on weekends. The main studies on the subject reveal that nearly 25% of a company’s energy consumption is directly linked to the computer workstation. Within Societe Generale, this proportion is even higher (more than 50%). Other actions also pertain to energy performance Awareness-raising actions have been taken with the personnel in various subsidiaries and countries: ■■in its internal newsletter (“Khaima”), Societe Generale Mauritania (SGM) distributed an environmental quiz inviting employees to mobilise; 56 Philippe Robert, Head of Corporate IT division, SOGECAP France, tells us… Sogecap’s eco-action initiatives Aware of its impact on the environment and in order to meet the CO2 emission reduction goals set by the Group, Sogecap France has established the automatic shutdown of PCs at night starting at 10:00 p.m. and on weekends within its Paris and Orléans offices. Each day, out of our 800 PCs, an average of 200 used to remain powered on unnecessarily. Powering down 200 PCs may seem anecdotal, but this simple measure represents a savings of: ■■1 million hours per year (100 hours gained per PC and per week); ■■350,000 KWh in electricity. This initiative was rewarded internally and received the 2012 CSR Trophy awarded by the management committee of the specialised financing divisions. Petr Kalina, Director of Resources at Komerční Banka, tells us… Komerční banka has constructed a new high environmental quality building in the Czech Republic. This new building – 4B – is equipped with the latest energy efficiency technologies. In operation, the expected performance is a 25% decrease in energy consumption expenditure for all four headquarters buildings in relation to the consumption levels of previous years, thanks to the equipment’s energy certifications. The energy certification of the global entity is B/economic, with all installed equipment corresponding to the BREEAM international certification. This building aspires to become one of Prague’s first “very efficient” buildings with regard to the BREEAM certification and the second in terms of responsible construction. The final audit will take place in spring 2013. The complex evaluation of the building’s environmental impact takes into account parameters such as location, transport equipment, construction, energy consumption, emissions, lights, materials, design, and operating method.

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