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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Environment for its own account and responsible procurement CDM projects ■■Two small hydroelectricity projects in Guatemala: San Isidro Hydroelectric Plant and Matanzas Hydroelectric Plant ■■A geothermal plant in Nicaragua ■■Two biomass power plants in India: Renewable Sources Biomass Power Project and Grid-Connected Biomass Power Project ■■A combined cycle power plant project fuelled with natural gas in India (1) The WBCSD is a global association of 200 companies in 35 countries and 20 major industrial sectors that provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience, and best practises in sustainable development. Societe Generale expands the collection of environmental data   The Group carries out an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in compliance with the GHG Protocol (international standard) thanks to 700 contributors across 310 entities in 64 countries. Total GHG emissions in 2012 are estimated at 319,961 tonnes, or 2.25 tonnes of CO2 per occupant. They are calculated based on a scope that doubled in 2012. New sources of emissions were recorded for the first time in 2012: ■■emissions from fluorinated gases in corporate buildings (scope 1 of the Group’s greenhouse gas assessment); ■■emissions due to merchandise transport for France, total consumption of paper (copy paper as well as envelopes, account statements, paper intended for customers, communication documents, etc.), and energy consumption of IT centres hosted in France (scope 3). For the first year, the Moscow region was included in the reporting (i.e., one fourth of the workforce). Because of the size of this subsidiary, the goal is to achieve 100% coverage in 2014. However, the indicators related to professional transport cover all of Rosbank for 2012. Without these adjustments and on an equivalent basis with 2007, carbon emissions for 2012 would have been 1.99 tonnes of CO2 per occupant, i.e., below the objective for 2012. Energy eficiency Societe Generale is committed to an ongoing search for energy performance within its buildings. Main priorities Since 2007, total energy consumption, reduced to the number of occupants and the number of m², has reduced. The goal of the new strategy is to accelerate this decrease. The Group has set the goal of a 15% increase (in three years) in the energy performance of its buildings. One of the Group’s priorities for 2013 will be to carry out a precise assessment of the environmental profile of buildings with an area of more than 5,000 m². This objective is in line with Societe Generale’s accession to the Manifesto of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which works for better energy efficiency of buildings. This approach is also supported internally by the establishment of a dedicated tool specific to the Group: the Responsible Buildings Reference Framework (RBR). 2012 achievements in reducing energy consumption and grenhouse gas emisions Corporate buildings The energy control of corporate buildings with a single service provider permits the management of all fluids. A goal of a 5% cut in energy consumption was set at the beginning of the contract at the end of 2011. For each building, energy metering tracking tables have been established with readings taken weekly. At the same time, a monthly activity report on all corporate buildings has been developed, making it possible to monitor and track the progress of the Facility Manager’s actions. The HQE Granite Tower underwent an energy audit in the first half of 2012. It verified the building’s energy efficiency and identified areas of improvement that could save 5% in annual energy consumption across the corporate buildings. The audit also confirmed the high-quality performance of the Granite Tower. 55 Scope 1  corresponds to direct emissions related to energy consumption and fluorinated gas emissions. Scope 2  corresponds to indirect emissions related to energy consumption (electricity, steam, and external chilled water). Scope 3  corresponds to indirect emissions from sources other than those related to energy. Responsible Buildings Reference Framework (RBR) In order to support the achievement of its energy efficiency objectives, Societe Generale can rely on the Responsible Buildings Reference Framework (RBR), which was developed to define energy efficiency standards, in order to raise the energy and environmental performance of the Group’s real estate property*. * Verified by Ernst & Young

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