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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Responsible finance In November 2010, Societe Generale’s Board of Directors validated the Societe Generale group’s Tax Code of Conduct. This code is part of the worldwide developments to fight harmful tax practices, particularly at the request of the OECD. Societe Generale code of conduct The code of conduct was revised in 2012 and published in January 2013. It defines the bank’s ethical framework and governs the bank’s rights and duties towards its stakeholders, particularly its employees, shareholders, customers, and suppliers. 1.3 Implementation of our E&S commitments in our business lines E&S evaluation procedures for transactions E&S evaluation for projects under the Equator Principles1 In 2012, Societe Generale examined and categorised a total of 60 projects according to the requirements of the Equator Principles, including as part of the Group’s advisory mandates. The projects in question covered all categories and geographical regions, notably outside HI OECD countries where the application of the Equator Principles necessarily implies compliance with the Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). 32,000 employees were trained in “fighting corruption” in 2012, mainly in France. New code of conduct - 2 1 - - 1 2 11 Signed by Frédéric Oudéa, CEO of the Group, it is already available in eight languages. Category A Projects presenting significant, heterogeneous, irreversible, or unprecedented social or environmental negative impacts. Category B Projects presenting limited, fewer, social or environmental negative impacts generally specific to a site, largely reversible and easy to handle through mitigation measures. Category C Projects presenting minimum or no negative social or environmental impacts 60 projects and advisory services screened and categorized in 2012 9 15% 19 32% 32 53% Category A Category B Category C Number of projects screened and categorized in 2012, by geography 40 20 0 A 14 5 C 2 7 B 8 24 HI OECD countries Outside HI OECD countries Number of projects screened and categorized in 2012, by sector 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 General manufacture Infrastructure Mining Oil & gas Power Transport - 2 9 8 - 8 1 5 15 1 5 A B (1) In line with our Global Compact commitment C

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